Yellowstone National Park

  • Earlier I posted an article and an update about the forest fire on top of Druid Peak.  Here is the Official page on the fire with current updates, maps and photos.

  • Good vegetation conditions this year should keep grizzly deaths down, but it’s not clear that they are- Another year like 2008  and the Greater Yellowstone grizzly bear population goes back on the threatened species list. Federal, state wildlife agencies launch campaign to prevent grizzly bear killings. By Matthew Brown. Associated Press.

  • The “Butte Fire” at 110 acres is largest in a slow forest fire season inside YNP- Lightning-caused fire in park grows to 110 acres. Billings Gazette. Update 9/8/2009. Fire on Druid Peak grows to 200 acres. AP Update 9/10/2009. Bad news. It is burning whitebark pine, the endangered and incredibly valuable food source for grizzly…

  • The heat is on: popular Yellowstone trail closed due to thermal activity. Yellowstone Eco-Travel Examiner. By Beth Pratt I always though of this trail and area as spooky. Maybe because the times I visited I was alone in the afternoon and expected a grizzly around every bend chewing on carcass next to an obscure “mud…

  • Wolf watching is slow in this summer’s extra green Yellowstone- While watching has been slow lately in the reconfigured Yellowstone wolf packs, Kathie Lynch has quite a bit of news. Ralph Maughan – – – – – – July and August wolf notes for YNP. By © Kathie Lynch Copyrighted material. Not to be reprinted…

  • Wolf poop is gold for a variety of studies of wolves- Yellowstone study collects, examines wolf scat for clues. By Brett French. Billings Gazette. This time tested activity was partly replaced by radio collar-based research, but with the development of sophisticated DNA and hormone analysis, it now has new importance.

  • Vigorous production of cones spells very good news for grizzly bears- Although the majority of whitebark pine in the Greater Yellowstone has died off or burned in recent years, there are still enough for the grizzlies in those years when conditions are optimal for cone production. There is a long and strong data set showing…

  • Obama’s Interior is looking to cut by half the number of snowmachines in Yellowstone National Park : Interior proposes Yellowstone snowmobile cap – The Salt Lake Tribune (thanks for the heads up jdubya)

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