Yellowstone National Park

  • Weekly report from the USFWS has details about the government killing of YNP wolf- If you want the details from the government about the first control kill of a Yellowstone Park wolf, it is in this report, along with some other information. Wolf reports, if any, now with delisting for Idaho and Montana are the…

  • All the entrances to Yellowstone Park are now open, and this includes Beartooth Pass. Travelling the Pass at this time of year ought to be an awesome experience assuming you can see over the snowbanks.

  • The federal report this week is A LOT more interesting than usual (e.g., YNP wolf chases bicycles, motorcycles, etc.)- This is the wolf weekly news put out by USFWS because Wyoming can’t manage wolves. Be sure to read the “monitoring” and “control” sections. – – – – – – – – Update: There is essentially…

  • All “the action” was at Horse Butte west of the Park- They were going to let 25 of what I sarcastically called “cyberbison” use the CUT (Church Universal and Triumphant)  land north of Yellowstone Park, but there was no northward migration this winter. Ranch land for bison sees no activity first year. By Daniel Person.…

  • Buffalo Field Campaign Yellowstone Bison Update from the Field May 14, 2009 —————————— —————————— In this issue: * Update from the Field * The Wild in Us * Join the Front Lines * BFC Media Crew Needs a Laptop * Last Words * Kill Tally —————————— * Update from the Field Though a day early,…

  • Six people were apprehended after people watching the webcam called Park officials Yellowstone Webcam Catches Men Using Old Faithful as Toilet See PEER’s press release here. Update: 2 Yellowstone workers fired after watering geyser Associated Press

  • Whatever happened to the vaunted new May 15 tolerance date? Supposedly it would be different this spring. Bison would allowed to migrate out of the Park and onto Horse Butte free from harassment until at least May 15. The reality is pretty much like recent years. Brutal Montana Department of Livestock agents and Yellowstone Park…

  • For all practical purposes the pack has denned at Park Headquarters- The Canyon Pack, which includes some remnants of the old Hayden Pack, is denned just a quarter mile east of the Mammoth town site. I wouldn’t be surprised to see a chase on the Mammoth lawns. Wolf pack moves to park’s headquarters. Den near…

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