Yellowstone National Park

  • From Buffalo Field Campaign’s Update from the Field It has been an intense week for buffalo. BFC volunteers are out in the field and on the road with the buffalo nearly 24 hours a day. If you are able to join us on the front lines, please see our call for volunteers below. The buffalo…

  • Kathie Lynch’s latest trip to Yellowstone found early spring wolf denning triumph mixed with tragedy- Yellowstone Wolf News. April 4-12, 2009. By © Kathie Lynch. “Spring” in Yellowstone means a few days of warm weather, followed by a return to snowy winter and then springtime again. As the snow melts, it gets harder and harder…

  • Mike Jimenez’s report on WY wolves and the situation in Oregon- WYOMING/US FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE WOLF PROGRAM WEEKLY REPORT To:                          Regional Director, Region 6, Denver, Colorado From:                     USFWS Wyoming Wolf Recovery Project Leader, Jackson, WY Subject:  Status of Gray Wolf Management in Wyoming and the NRM WYOMING WOLF WEEKLY- April 13 through April…

  • Grizzlies are expanding their range due to the death of whitebark pine and they increasingly get shot- Researchers blame grizzly deaths on hunters, climate change. By Matthew Brown. Associated Press Fortunately the evidence seems to be that their population around Yellowstone is still growing.

  • The less time in the den, the more bears are killed, especially in the fall- Although grizzlies are now coming out of their dens, quite slowly this year because of deep snow, it may be that recent warm years have delayed the onset of their annual winter hibernation. Now a study is underway to ascertain…

  • Doug Breakwell posted a comment that was interesting, but also to a thread I’d rather keep clear, so I answer his questions below. Ralph Maughan – – – – – – Doug Breakwell wrote: April 11, 2009 at 4:45 AM This is a great site to keep updated on whats happening to wolves especially if…

  • Yellowstone Grizzly Bear Investigations 2008. PDF file. Interagency Grizzly Bear Study Team. The report is not just Yellowstone National Park, but for most of the much larger Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.

  • Factors were the bad economy and a late onset of snowy season- Winter visits to Yellowstone decline by 13%. Econony, late snowfall seen as likely reasons; few using Sylvan Pass. By Brett French. Billings Gazette Staff It is disappointing to read the Park’s spokesman shrug off their big loss of money at the East Entrance.…

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