Yellowstone National Park

  • The annual, and always controversial count of elk on the Yellowstone northern range has been released. The northern range of Yellowstone extends well north of Yellowstone Park itself. The news article concludes on the basis of speculation by a couple biologists that more elk are now living north of the Park due to the long…


  • Although I expect Kathie Lynch may soon have a detailed report, I got information about a few items today. The Bechler Pack of SW Yellowstone (the only pack down there) was finally seen. It had eleven members and was several miles south of the Park near the Idaho/Wyoming border. While they will go back to…

  • This is based on the work of University of Montana economist John Duffield. Wolf tourism in Yellowstone region. Wolves are bringing tourists and money to Montana. Update: Here is Duffield’s original paper in the Jan. 2008 issue of Yellowstone Science. duffield-economic-impacts.pdf

  • I generally think this is a good thing. The Jackson Hole bison herd, unlike the Yellowstone bison, are not constrained by a shortage of winter range because they, like the Jackson Hole elk, are artificially fed during the winter. The result is a herd that is only constrained by its summer range unless there is…

  • Montana DOL in complicity with Yellowstone Park is at it again, corraling bison, from inside the Park, and sending most to slaughter. Rather than repeat my past reasoning about this, or my rants, there is a good article by George Wuerthner in New West. Yellowstone Bison Slaughter a Sham. By George Wuerthner. New West.

  • There haven’t been as many stories in the MSM the last few years about the Yellowstone wolves. Instead the stories have been about how the states are going to get “management flexibility” so they can stop using a variety of methods of management and just kill them. Today, however, the Jackson Hole Star Tribune has…

  • Let’s all cheer. USDA has declared U.S. brucellosis free except for Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Park elk and bison. “We must now focus our efforts on eradicating brucellosis from the free-ranging elk and bison populations in the Greater Yellowstone Area in order to protect our national cattle herd against future outbreaks of this disease.” …

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