Yellowstone National Park

  • I’ve been in Yellowstone for about 4 days. I want to thank BE for taking care of the blog. I came home early. It was a very unpleasant trip — hot and smoky.  Until the heat wave passes and the forest fires abate, I won’t recommend the trip. Outside the Park, the dirt roads have…

  • It seems the cattle industry has maintained it’s scapegoat for the time being. Montana representative Rehberg killed a house amendment based on Schweitzer’s plan to buffer the rest of the state’s brucellosis free status from those that wander around Yellowstone. That would have protected the buffalo AND the livestock industry’s sacred brucellosis free status. Rehberg…

  • Dr. Douglas Smith provided me with a near complete pup count for the Park this year. He stressed that for the packs where all pups have been visually counted, this is a high count, meaning that already a few have disappeared, probably dead. Most surprising to me was Oxbow with 12 pups, eleven still alive.…

  • Wolf changes insufficient, Wyo official says. Casper Star Tribune. CHEYENNE (AP) — Proposed federal rule changes don’t go far enough in giving the state the ability to kill wolves preying on other wildlife, Wyoming Attorney General Pat Crank said Monday. Crank is angry that the state’s wolf killing plans still would have to be peer…

  • With the record high temperatures in the Rocky Mountain and Intermountain West, the temperatures of trout streams are soaring above, sometimes far above, that which kills trout. It is plainly evident in Yellowstone Park. Heat kills fish in Yellowstone. Jackson Hole News and Guide. Yellowstone is more vulnerable than many mountain stream areas because the…

  • Maybe the continuation of the incredible monetary subsidy per snowmobiler at the Park’s East Entrance during the winter will in fact be cut off. The NPS regional director is supporting Yellowstone superintendent Suzanne Lewis and the Park’s plan to close this little-used, avalanche prone pass. Story. Park boss: Sylvan Pass danger palpable. By Ruffin Prevost.…

  • Kathie Lynch has sent a report for June 17-23, 2007. It follows. Thanks Kathie! There is not too much to report from Yellowstone right now as the wolf watching has been pretty quiet. We see the occasional Agate Creek adult traveling by in their traditional Antelope Creek den area. And, we have occasional Slough Creek…

  • It could be a bad fire season in Yellowstone Park (and, of course, outside it too). I would say especially in Idaho and Western Wyoming. Relatively dry Yellowstone braces for fire season. By Brett French. Billings Gazette. Update June 15, 2007. Fire potential in Grand Teton and Yellowstone parks worse than last year. By Cory…

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