Yellowstone National Park

  • Bison allowed to wander Jackson Hole, WY at will- We have written about bison in Wyoming versus inside Montana a number of times, but not for a couple years. Because of the constant public hostility of Montana’s Department of Livestock (the DOL) and the less-than-in-depth reporting by Montana traditional media, folks probably forget that Montana’s…

  • Land transfer to states would mean less land access for typical American- The idea that the states are really the constitutional, legal, rightful owner of the U.S. public lands is without merit. Origin of U.S. public lands The United States owns 650-million acres of land. That is about 30 per cent of the land area of…

  • Citizen Sacrifices Self to Draw Attention to, and Stop Wild Bison Slaughter FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: March 6, 2014 Contacts: Stephany Seay, Buffalo Field Campaign, 406-646-0071 Mike Mease, Buffalo Field Campaign, 406-640-0109 YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK, GARDINER BASIN, MT: This morning, Comfrey Jacobs, a twenty-year old citizen concerned for wild bison, placed life, limb and freedom on…

  • Wyoming Representative Cynthia Lummis has introduced a bill in Congress to expand paddle sports in Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks, forcing the Park Service to open many more waterways to recreational boating.  I am a boater, former wilderness guide, BLM river ranger, and a licensed outfitter/guide in both parks who could stand to benefit…

  • Already 6 dogs caught and one grizzly bear- There is probably even more by catch than reported below in Montana’s second wolf trapping season, which just began. In addition to last year’s by catch, wolf traps took a tremendous toll on Yellowstone Park wolves that wandered across the Park’s straight line border.  Not reported, it…

  • Valuable wildlife reports can be downloaded by the public- While it might seem — it might be true — that most politicians and many of the public get all their knowledge about Yellowstone from “urban” legends, interest groups, and lobbyists, there is a segment that read scientific reports and, especially the summaries of naturalist’s observations,…

  • It may already be too late Throughout the west, bighorn sheep are seeking out mates and the rams are giving an incredible display by butting heads in competition for ewes.  This is a very visible spectacle in the Gardiner Basin of Montana that lies just north of Yellowstone National Park which is filled with many…

  • A case of the guilty investigating the effects of their crime? When the House Republicans shut down the “non-essential” services of the U.S. government by failing to pass neither a budget, nor a continuing resolution by Oct. 1, the national parks closed. They had no money to operate. During the shutdown process, the Service evacuated…

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