
  • California Fish and Game Commission votes 4-1 to stop prizes for killing- VAN NUYS, Calif. The current plans for a killing contest of non-game wildlife plus wolves, a “predator derby,” set for Salmon, Idaho might have been the key to lock the door to such things in California. The effort to renew this would-be annual contest…

  • President Obama could do a lot here- Here are my suggestions for new national monuments which Obama could designate. I have visited every site I recommend here, so I’m personally familiar with the areas. I have tried to put together a list that I think deserve protection, but also have some substantial political momentum in…

  • Far wandering wolf and mate have first Oregon Cascade pups in over 70 years- There was joy among wolf conservationists this spring when famous wolf OR-7 was found to be in company of a female wolf after his years of wandering over a thousand miles from his NE Oregon birthplace and then probably thousands more around the…

  • Feeding often makes things worse, especially when done half-heartedly- Expect predators to show up– Perhaps millions of Americans feed the birds, squirrels, feral cats, much larger animals too, such as deer. All animals are interested in food and as a population they obviously know how to find it, or they would not exist. They probably…

  • Luckless wolf that went to California is back in Oregon- The world’s currently most famous wolf, OR-7, born in NE Oregon, seems to have abandoned California and returned to Oregon. He spent over a year looking for a female wolf, but there are probably no California girl wolves. During his search, he explored a fair…

  • Agreement ending 100 years of fighting over the uses of the Klamath River’s waters falls to a group of local malcontents- After many years of fighting over salmon, dams, irrigation water, tribal treaty rights and ocean fishing matters came to an unpleasant head in 2001-2 when VP Dick Cheney sided with irrigators and let 70,000…

  • While on a hike in northern California, Robert Biggs stopped to watch a bear and her cubs.  He was suddenly attacked from behind by a mountain lion and the sow black bear came to his rescue. Bear Saves Robert Biggs From Mountain Lion Attack In California. The Huffington Post

  • Famous wolf’s inability to find a mate in California is not surprising- The West’s currently best known wolf, named “Journey” in a contest held by conservation groups, did not find a mate in California. Now mating season is over. The wolf, officially OR(7), has returned to SW Oregon, although his lack of a mate is…

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