They were “ugly . . . slimy . . . creepy.” Idaho state rep. Ken Andrus- Disappointment came this week to Ilah Hickman, an 8th-grade student in Boise, when for the fifth time, the Idaho Legislature refused to name a state amphibian. Hickman was championing a species of large salamander, the Idaho Giant Salamander, as…
Last year I learned that anti-predator activists were organizing a predator killing derby to take place in Salmon, Idaho – a place smack dab amidst one of the largest and most breathtakingly diverse public landscapes in the country. A few of us infiltrated the event with the aim of exposing the extent of the depravity…
About the politics of wolf reintroduction in the Northern Rockies- Jim Yuskavitch begins his book with the story of wolf B45, the first Idaho wolf to venture into Oregon. She (B45) was a first generation offspring of the wolves brought down from British Columbia for release in Idaho in 1996. Most of his examples and descriptions…
This is a first- A young man from Newdale, Idaho (Kenneth Sommer) was hunting black bear in May. His wife was along on this trip to the Rock Creek area near the Cave Falls road. He shot a big male grizzly (illegal) and claimed it was about to attack his wife, a defense we have…
Send public comments now on new EA for predator damage management by Wildlife Services in Idaho- USDA’s Wildlife Services in Idaho is writing a new environmental analysis (EA) on how to manage damage by predators in Idaho. It will replace all existing EAs. According to the announcement, “Predator species involved in the majority of conflicts…
Election results put takers of U.S. public land in a good position? The 2014 congressional elections put an increased number of supporters and sympathizers of the states taking the public lands of the United States in office. They want the states to take over the national forests, the BLM lands, maybe the national wildlife refuges, and even some…
California Fish and Game Commission votes 4-1 to stop prizes for killing- VAN NUYS, Calif. The current plans for a killing contest of non-game wildlife plus wolves, a “predator derby,” set for Salmon, Idaho might have been the key to lock the door to such things in California. The effort to renew this would-be annual contest…
Just a week after the BLM withdrew its decision to issue a Special Recreation Permit to “Idaho for Wildlife” (IWF) for a predator killing contest, Congressman Peter DeFazio (OR) and a coalition of Environmental Groups have sent two separate letters to the U.S. Forest Service asking them to not allow the contest on U.S. Forest Service…