
  • Increase in State-permitted Fur Trapping Leads to Illegal Trapping of Wild Cats BOISE, Idaho— Five conservation groups filed a lawsuit today against the governor of Idaho and other state officials to halt trapping that harms and often kills Canada lynx, one of the rarest cats in the United States. The lawsuit charges Gov. Butch Otter,…

  • President Obama could do a lot here- Here are my suggestions for new national monuments which Obama could designate. I have visited every site I recommend here, so I’m personally familiar with the areas. I have tried to put together a list that I think deserve protection, but also have some substantial political momentum in…

  • Environmental assessment not done in time- After a big outcry against the Idaho Fish and Game plan to poison 4000 ravens in Idaho so to help the struggling sage grouse, the operation has been delayed for a year.  The actual poisoning would be done by the federal agency USDA’s Wildlife Services.  This federal agency needed…

  • Drones for hunting and for harassment- Drones to stop and catch poachers- Drones for wildlife research- More and more stories appear featuring drones and wildlife. Recently it was revealed that private drones were in use in Zion National Park so that photographers could avoid scaling cliffs and get closeups of the wild sheep on top…

  • People are still talking about the defeat of Lenore Hardy Barrett in Idaho’s Republican Primary. She lost to 69-year old rancher Merrill Beyeler of Leadore, a town smaller than even Challis, ID where Barrett lived. Perhaps too soon, Merrill Beyeler had been declared “as good as elected” in the November general election. It is a heavily Republican…

  • A rural minority rules the urban majority in the West, Why? We read that Westerners are moving to take back the federal lands, or Westerners are upset about too much environmental protection. We watch Old West  Cliven Bundy get away with stealing grass and his supporters massing to maybe gun down BLM law enforcement in…

  • Land transfer to states would mean less land access for typical American- The idea that the states are really the constitutional, legal, rightful owner of the U.S. public lands is without merit. Origin of U.S. public lands The United States owns 650-million acres of land. That is about 30 per cent of the land area of…

  • Adult male grizzly was shot May 7 near the Cave Falls Road- Idaho spring black bear season began April 15, and the first Greater Yellowstone grizzly death of the season has been logged. An eleven-year old male griz was shot by someone (so far unidentified) just off the Cave Falls Road near the southwest corner of…

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