
  • The 2013 Idaho Wolf Report, describes wolf research being conducted in Idaho and one of the projects involves entering wolf dens and placing expandable radio collars on 2-4 week old pups.  This is an expansion of a project that started last year that involved placing expandable radio collars and surgically implanting radio tags on 11…

  • The Idaho Fish and Game Department’s plan to poison or shoot up to 4,000 ravens in the state is appalling. It’s a preposterous proposal to kill native wildlife under the guise of protecting sage-grouse from raven’s eating their eggs. With the blessing of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Idaho will spend over $100,000 dollars…

  • Bozeman, MT. Today five conservation groups Cottonwood Environmental Law Center, Western Watersheds Project, WildEarth Guardians, Gallatin Wildlife Association and Yellowstone Buffalo Foundation sent the U.S. Department of Agriculture a notice of intent to sue for its failure to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the effects of sheep grazing on the U.S. Sheep Experiment…

  • 17 groups call law unconstitutional- It’s still hard to figure out why this sweeping bill criminalizing almost all public oversight of agriculture swept the Idaho legislature. At any rate, 17 plaintiffs are taking it on, perhaps because Idaho’s new ag gag statute is such a fat target (update, see their brief at the bottom) The…

  • On the last day of the Idaho Legislature, HB470, the Wolf Control Board bill, jumped its final hurdle before going to the Governor’s desk to be signed into law. The board will be funded with $400,000 from the general fund and $110,000 from the livestock industry and $110,000 from the Idaho Department of Fish and…

  • The Idaho Department of Fish and Game will hold a Commissioner’s meeting tonight in Boise.  At 7:00 pm they will take public testimony about issues important to the public. Tomorrow the Commission will set seasons for Deer, Elk, Pronghorn, Bear, Mountain Lion and Wolves.  You can see a full agenda for the meeting here. Public…

  • The Idaho Joint Finance-Appropriations Committee (JFAC) has just appropriated $400,000 for the Wolf Control Board created by HB470. Instead of receiving a one time $2 million appropriation as requested by the Governor, the Board will have to return to JFAC for funding in the following years. Yesterday the bill was amended by the Senate to…

  • During the holidays, while the 1st Annual 2-Day Coyote and Wolf Derby was taking place in Salmon, Idaho, writer Christopher Ketcham, our very own Brian Ertz, his sister Natalie Ertz, and my neighbor Brian Walker decided to enter the derby as contestants. The story they brought back was very insightful and I have been anticipating…

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