Senator Jeff Siddoway also pushes amendment to turn Land Owner Appreciation bill into a no access gravy train- Idaho rancher and State Senator Jeff Siddoway has introduced a bill (S1305) in the Idaho statehouse that would authorize the slaughter of wolves involved in molesting or killing livestock by any number of creative ways. Senator Siddoway…
In 1907, my great grandfather – Walter L. Cole – kept a journal of a trip he took with a friend, Perry, to Central Idaho’s Riordan Lake just southeast of Yellow Pine, Idaho. This area, which I have spent a lot of time in over the years, is some very rough and steep country. I first…
Simplot Company report to justify lower water quality standards provokes big controversy- Anglers don’t like pulling fish off their lure that look like mutant monsters. The accusation that selenium poisoning from the Smoky Canyon phosphate mine is killing fish, creating awful deformities, and being picked up into the ecosystem in general has greeted a 700-page draft…
Unconfirmed sightings are increasing, but does this mean real bears or more Ravalli County hysteria? Officially there are no grizzly bears in the Bitterroot Mountains of Idaho-Montana or in the ranges to the east until you get about the Snowcrest Range. On the other hand, grizzlies are spreading out as their traditional food sources in…
The effort to list the Greater Sage-grouse via the Endangered Species Act (ESA) has been an uphill battle. However, even as the end-game has yet to be realized, the effort itself has been remarkably successful at prompting bureaucratic backflips and a whole lot of paper-shuffling to accommodate consideration of the species. Unfortunately, many of the existing and developing…
Recently the Idaho Department of Fish and Game announced that they are planning a “Wildlife Summit” to be held at the Riverside Hotel in Boise, Idaho. It was originally scheduled for September but after some concerns were raised about the timing it was moved forward to August 24-26th so as not to coincide with the…
Video of an amazing number of elk captured by a cell phone- We keep hearing how Idaho elk are all but extinct from anti-wolf folks and others with various gripes. Maybe this capture from the highway on a cell phone is the only herd left, but it certainly is impressive. Folks who know southern Idaho…
The Los Angeles Times has picked up the story on the “Killer Bee” Wildlife Services plane. Well, finally the general public can see some sense of what they’d like to keep hidden out in Idaho. Federal use of aerial sharpshooters to kill wolves draws fire, By Kim Murphy. UPDATE 12/15/2011 HOLD THE PRESSES! After…