
  • For many years I’ve heard rumors of photographs of a Wildlife Services plane stationed in Rexburg, Idaho with wolf footprint stickers on it for each wolf the crew had killed. Here they are. No other words needed.

  • 30 months in prison and other punishments when he’s out of the slammer- Sidney Davis of Soda Springs, ID received a heavy sentence from federal judge Lynn Winmill. It’s 30 months in prison, 3 years of supervised probation when he’s out, $40,000 in restitution and no hunting or fishing or going with hunters or fishers…

  • U.S./B.C. herd of 50 to finally get critical habitat- Woodland caribou, far more rare than the well known barren ground caribou, have kept a tiny toehold in the United States in the Panhandle of Idaho. Even that sometimes slips and the herd spends its time just to the north in British Columbia. About 600 square…

  • How many “predator killed” cattle were actually stolen? We all know the story — the “horrible wolves killed the cattle. They were so hungry that not even a piece of bone was left as evidence.”  The same has been said of cougar and bear. In the many years I have roamed the range, I often…

  • Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks wants to extend wolf hunt another month, to end of January 2012- Montana FWP choose a quota of 220 dead wolves statewide (with the various wolf hunting units having quotas too) for the state’s second wolf hunt, which begin Sept. 9, 2011. So far 98 dead wolves have been officially…

  • In Idaho Wildlife Services has historically received most of its funding from the federal government but this year those funds were cut by $247,000. To make up for the shortfall guess where the Idaho livestock industry is going to go. Yup, you guessed it. They are going to the Idaho Legislature with their hands out.…

  • Legal wolf trapping is now underway in northern Idaho- Idaho first legal wolf trapping season is underway.  Trapping is controversial and there are many questions about it. Answers will come. Lessons might be learned. During this first season, wolves can be caught with leg-hold traps or by snares. Whether trapping is ethically or morally right,…

  • You may remember the controversy prompted by the Flat Top Ranch’s application for a $300,000 match from Blaine County Land, Water & Wildlife Program‘s funds levied by Blaine County citizens “to protect natural resources and the quality of life valued by area residents.” The controversy started when the Flat Top Ranch’s application sought to fund…

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