From the USFWS Press Release 2/10/11: The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced today the availability of a draft Environmental Assessment (EA) of Idaho Department of Fish and Game’s request to manage gray wolves in the Lolo Elk Management Zone in north central Idaho in response to impacts of wolf predation on elk. The Draft Environmental Analysis…
Drops gassing of pups in their dens and sterilization but continues heavy handed killing of wolves. Public Comments accepted until January 3, 2011 In anticipation of Monday’s federal court hearing of a case brought by Western Watersheds Project, Wildlife Services has revised its Idaho Wolf Environmental Assessment. While the new EA drops gassing of wolf…
“I can assure you there will be a protracted legal fight using all legal means available to stop the project” Some of the really great things I enjoy about living in the west are the obscure landscapes/mountain ranges. Unlike national parks, ‘W‘ilderness areas, National Monuments and other landscapes prominently highlighted on any western map, there…
Cumulatively they lost $9600 and 12 years of hunting privileges. Another form of poaching that is probably more common than this one incident might indicate. This case shows how difficult it is to convict many poachers. It took two years to catch someone using the bait station after it was first discovered. Is poaching becoming…
Former gubernatorial candidate Rex Rammel, currently under investigation for poaching elk, told a group of Idaho residents that citizens should organize wolf killing parties and that he didn’t think the authorities would intervene. Not so says the feds: Feds plan action if Idaho wolves killed illegally – AP
Directs Department to prepare a new plan consistent with 2002 Legislative Plan. The IDFG Commission voted unanimously to suspend the 2008-2012 wolf management plan, which maintains a wolf population of 518 wolves in the state of Idaho, and directed the Department to prepare “an appropriate wolf species management plan, consistent with the 2002 Idaho Wolf…
Save Elk, Prosecute Anti-wolf Activists You may recall that Blaine County Judge Ted Israel recently dismissed a felony elk poaching charge against anti-wolf activist Tony Mayer, the founder of At that time, the court held that there was probable cause to pursue misdemeanor charges for the offense. However, Mr. Mayer’s felony charge was dismissed without…
After a very long time with no Idaho wolf updates, so leaving folks to speculate, Idaho Fish and Game issues an update- IDFG Sept Oct 2010 wolf progress report