
  • USFS takes away grazing lease in Nevada’s Santa Rosa Mountains. The Columbus method of grazing, where cattle are put out for months on end and then “discovered” at the end of the grazing season, gets a spank. You can read the decision from April here. Rancher loses grazing appeal. Written by Dee Holzel – Silver…

  • NDoW opposes killing of predators says habitat is the issue. There is a battle raging in Nevada about predator control under the guise of helping deer and sage grouse. As it turns out the problem isn’t about predators but about habitat quality. For years the BLM and the ranchers have colluded in an effort to…

  • More worried about protecting industry than wildlife. The Mono Basin sage grouse received a higher priority rating, a 3 on a scale of 1-12, as a candidate species than the larger populations elsewhere which received an 8 rating. Unbelievably the Chief of the Nevada Division of wildlife expressed greater concern about the industries that would…

  • Legislation from 2003 had a hidden flaw- The small oversight that threatens the valley’s big pipeline proposal. Nevada Supreme court cites a wording error in ’03 legislation. By Emily Green and Tom Gorman, Las Vegas Sun. The seemingly unstoppable “water witch of the West” made an early mistake. I hope it is truly dead, but…

  • A great victory for rural Nevada and the land and wildlife over Pat Mulroy and Southern Nevada Water Authority- “Plans to siphon billions of gallons of groundwater from rural Nevada were tossed out today by the Nevada Supreme Court.” Nevada Supreme Court Rules Against Vegas Water Claim. ~more~ Nevada water pipeline: In jeopardy? Greenspace:…

  • Does he care that it will turn the Nevada/Utah border into a dustbowl? Guv ready to make Snake Valley water deal with Nevada. By Brandon Loomis. The Salt Lake Tribune Don’t sign, governor. Snake Valley water pact needs work. Salt Lake Tribune Editorial. We hoped the recent court loss by the Southern Nevada Water Authority…

  • Nevada court decision against Southern Nevada Water Authority cautions Utah’s new governor- Herbert agrees to ‘go slow’ on Snake Valley water deal. In the meantime, Nevada courts are sorting out an in-state conflict. By Patty Henetz. The Salt Lake Tribune A danger is that Harry Reid will use the US Senate to help Nevada developers…

  • SNWA loses right to suck 6- billlion gallons of water a year from under Nevada desert valleys- This is a blockbuster decision for the high desert of Nevada and western Utah and against the same old pattern of urban sprawl for Las Vegas. The state supreme court could yet rule for SNWA. It’s a big…

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