
  • Area beneath East Gros Ventre Butte closed- Update on 4/11 at the bottom of page- After the deadly slide at Oso, Washington, people take landslides more seriously.  The area on the East Gros Ventre Butte at Jackson, Wyoming, has developed a bulge, signaling an incipient mudslide. Below it there are about about 60 residents living…

  • In the latest Jackson Hole News and Guide, outdoor writer Todd Wilkinson discusses the question, “Do wolves, cougars help curb diseases?” At the Wildlife News we have posed the same question. Properly stated this question can be investigated scientifically. First a hypothesis (or hypotheses) need to be stated in a way that things can be observed…

  • Early morning earthquake was in area NNE of Norris Geyser Basin- The big news on the web yesterday was about the moderate tremblor at Los Angeles. However, a quake about a third as strong happened inside Yellowstone National Park 4 miles north by northeast of Norris. This doesn’t mean there is about to be an…

  • What happened to wolves ate all the elk? Wyoming Game and Fish Department has announced that their 2013 elk hunting season produced a “near record” elk harvest.  They estimate that  25,968 were taken, a near record. However the number one year was 2012 when the hunt saw 26,365 elk reported killed. In a news release, the…

  • Many hunter organizations like to promote the idea that hunters were the first and most important conservation advocates. They rest on their laurels of early hunter/wildlife activist like Teddy Roosevelt, and George Bird Grinnell who, among other things, were founding members of the Boone and Crocket Club. But in addition to being hunter advocates, these…

  • Only difference is this time they might get some real money to waste- Although the appropriation of $35-million to chase Greater Yellowstone elk and bison and try to vaccinate them against brucellosis might seem like a new issue to some, it has been around a long time. Today the Missoulian has an article on it. Farm…

  • If 53 are now trapped in “The Hole,” how many will survive? The Jackson Hole News and Guide has reported that 53 pronghorn antelope have been spotted on the National Elk Refuge well after the herd normally migrates out of cold and snowy Jackson Hole, over the Gros Ventre Mountains, and then down southward to…

  • The Facebook photo has gone viral. It drips with symbolic hostility and one actually dead wolf. Now the photo has been taken down on Facebook, but you can see it many places in case it hasn’t already been emailed to you. We received a half dozen or so by email. Our experience is hardly unique.…

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