
  • Fatal ungulate disease advances as Wyoming game managers continue on in denial- Our recent story on chronic wasting disease (CWD) in Wisconsin now has a followup in the treasured Greater Yellowstone country. In both places, wildlife managers and politicians continue to take a heedless attitude toward the always fatal elk, deer and moose disease,  and…

  • A few incidents and some grizzly expansion onto the Montana plains- Now that the grizzly (and black) bears are mostly out into what has been a generally cold Rocky Mountain spring, there is, as always, grizzly bear news. First a minor mauling. A college student in Pablo, Montana was mauled by a griz during the…

  • A fight is brewing over domestic sheep grazing in bighorn sheep habitat in Wyoming. The Biodiversity Conservation Alliance filed a lawsuit last year to protect the small Encampment herd of bighorn sheep from coming into contact with disease ridden domestic sheep which would likely kill the entire herd if contact between the two species were…

  • Controversial proposal rejected on Jan. 22 by Forest Service- In a news release the Jackson Hole Alliance celebrated the end of the proposal to combine national forests in Idaho and Wyoming that include some of the West’s best wildlife and scenery.  There is still on the table, however, the idea that perhaps the headquarters (the…

  • In their December 29th editorial in the Billings Gazette, Scott Talbott of the Wyoming Game and Fish and Harv Forsgren of the U.S. Forest Service wrote that hunting was another step towards grizzly bear recovery. To read their editorial, go to this link: Guest opinion: Hunting another step toward grizzly bear recovery. Specifically, the authors…

  • Hunt will probably end below quota; but many more wolves killed in state’s wolves-are-just-vermin-zone- Wyoming first wolf hunt ends Dec. 31. 2012.  Wyoming opted for a much less ambitious/less-destructive-to-wolves hunt compared to neighboring Idaho and Montana. Unlike its neighbors, Wyoming has a wolf maximum kill quota and a relatively short hunt. However, Wyoming also has…

  • Wolf “06”, the alpha female of the Yellowstone’s Lamar Canyon Pack has been shot in Wyoming by a hunter. Wolf “06” was probably the most famous wolf in Yellowstone and had been viewed by thousands of Park visitors.  She was also part of the ongoing study of wolves that has been conducted in Yellowstone since…

  • At least 50 dead griz, but population said to grow by 15- The Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem stretches over about 18-million acres and into 3 states. Grizzly bears inhabit about 2/3 of that to some degree, hardly being confined to the smallish 2.2 million acres of Yellowstone National Park. Grizzly bear numbers have been growing for…

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