
  • All Defenders payments for dead livestock ends in September- It really seemed like a good idea.  Wolves will kill some livestock, but a public spirited conservation group will pay generously for all verified losses and even 50% for unverified, but probable losses to wolves. Defenders has been paying these claims for well over 15 years…

  • Delisting depends on Wyoming Well, if anyone was uncertain about Wyoming’s comfort with Federal management of wolves in Wyoming then they need to look no farther. Wyoming Governor Dave Freudenthal isn’t going to budge on the State’s management plan and it is unlikely that a new governor or legislature will either. EarthJustice attorney Doug Honnold…

  • Rocky Mountains Elk Foundation’s CEO David Allen’s annoying hysteria about wolves causing the “biggest wildlife management disaster since the 19 Century buffalo slaughter” is discredited- 2010 Big Game hunting forecast. By Christine Peterson. Casper Star-Tribune staff writer trib.com. Posted at the trib: Thursday, August 26

  • Giant oil machinery on U.S. Highway 12 not the only such issue in the northern rockies- Folks will recognize that Cody Coyote has posted a number of comments here about this Montana and by geography, Wyoming, issue. Now there is a full length article. Montana’s Plan to Haul Gold on the Chief Joe Highway Riles…

  • August 20, 2010 update– Here is the latest wolf news latest wolf news from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for Wyoming where the feds still officially manage wolves. There are links to other resources. I converted their news from .doc to a pdf file in an effort to make it readable here. Unfortunately the…

  • Extremist, wolf hating politicians blame everyone but themselves Wyoming is angry that they can’t get their way on wolves and now that a judge has reminded them that their plan sucks they’re digging in even further. Maybe the title of the article should read “GOP governor candidates, Freudenthal say they’ll keep wolves on the Endangered…

  • Two adult wolves and six pups killed by Wildlife Services in an area with just one confirmed wolf depredation, a mere lamb- The state of Wyoming wants to confine wolves to 13% of the state, and Judge Molloy struck that plan down back in 2008.  Currently under federal wolf management wolves are allowed to inhabit…

  • This story gives more info on the dead botanist Erwin Frank Evert- Story from National Parks Traveler. By Kurt Repanshek Evert recently wrote Vascular Plants of the Greater Yellowstone Area. He knew the Yellowstone country well. His death certainly is a loss.

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