
  • Was it trespass, or is it really punishing WWP for exposing that truth? In the matter of Frank Ranches, et al. (more ranches) versus Johnathan Ratner, individually and in his capacity in Western Watersheds Project and Western Watersheds Project (WWP), there have been a number of motions: a WWP motion to dismiss, the plaintiff’s response in opposition…

  • B-T Forest renews elk feedground while admitting it will spread brucellosis, parasites and chronic wasting disease- Acting Bridger-Teton National Forest supervisor Kathryn Conant is going to renew the special use permit for Wyoming Game and Fish Department’s Alkali Creek winter elk feedlot which is up the Gros Ventre River, sandwiched between the gravel road and…

  • Wyoming Wildlife Advocates issues report with q. and a.- The usual winter feeding of elk on the National Elk Refuge at Jackson, Wyoming, is just starting now.  Every year they try to hold off, and once and a while it is deemed not to have been needed. The elk get alfalfa pellets, although elk on…

  • Wyoming legislature considers a rancher grudge bill due to Western Watershed’s Jonathan Ratner- By Ralph Maughan (opinion) – – – – – Last year the Idaho Legislature passed an an overreaching “ag-gag” bill because an animal rights group had videoed some dairy workers abusing cattle. This came despite the the dairy ending up fined as…

  • About the politics of wolf reintroduction in the Northern Rockies- Jim Yuskavitch begins his book with the story of wolf B45, the first Idaho wolf to venture into Oregon. She (B45) was a first generation offspring of the wolves brought down from British Columbia for release in Idaho in 1996. Most of his examples and descriptions…

  • Doom and gloom hardly justified this year- Grizzly bears in the Greater Yellowstone (GYE) and the Northern Continental Divide ecosystems (NCDE) had a very good year in 2014 when we consider bear mortality. In the GYE there were only 25 confirmed dead grizzlies. In 2013 there were 29 and in 2012 there were 59!  In…

  • A good, but roadside griz, is shot after transplant far to the NE- Grizzly bear 760 was a popular sub-adult male in the Grand Teton NP area. Photographers had followed him from his cubhood. He was probably one of even more famous grizzly 399’s cubs from 2013, or one of 399’s older daughter, 610’s. Despite…

  • How much longer before the feedlots are hit? Nightmare “mad elk” or “mad deer” disease, the always lethal malady spread by prions (infectious proteins), keeps creeping ever closer the the Greater Yellowstone ecosystem in Wyoming and to the massive elk winter feedlots. In these, it is expected to spread like wildfire in cheatgrass. According to…

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