The Great Outdoors

  • Mountain goats were never native to Wyoming, although they have become established in YNP- Mountain goat in Wind River Range. By Mead Gruver. Associated Press writer. Goats are not native to Wyoming and have never been introduced for fear they will compete with bighorn sheep.

  • 24,000 more acres won’t be leased- This is on top of the near million acres in the Wyoming Range, Salt River Range, and Commissary Ridge recently withdrawn from leasing by Congress in the Omnibus Public Lands Act. BLM cuts energy leasing in Wyoming Range. By Cory Hatch, Jackson Hole Daily.

  • Rare observation and photo near the top of Idaho’s second highest mountain range- Hikers see solitary member of the weasel family on east side of range. By Jason Kauffman. Idaho Mountain Express Staff Writer. The wolverine was near the top of one of the canyons in the distance. Photo copyright © Ralph Maughan

  • Western Watersheds Project sues BLM to protect the Burnt Creek roadless area from livestock abuse- Ever since I returned to Idaho in 1971, one place I wanted to see was Burnt Creek in the high colorful foothills on the east side of the Lost River Range. It has been selected as a wilderness study area…

  • Unfortunately, the flowers may be the result of overgrazing by the horses- This article and its premise may spark a lot of controversy. Wild horse range pressured by overgrazing. By Brett French. Billings Gazette. I should add that I have never been to the Pryor Mountains of Montana, which are east of Cody and near…

  • The rain has brought a rich suite of greens to obscure western public landscapes.

  • In 2006, Congress banned leasing federal lands on the Front, but many leases had already been given- The effort to protect Montana’s Rocky Mountain Front from natural gas development has been and continues to be pretty successful. These oil, gas leases along the Front were the work of two NGOs, The Coalition to Protect the…

  • This area hasn’t been grazed by cattle for many years- I took this photo in late May on Pocatello’s West Bench at the base of the Bannock Mountain Range. Because it is a mixture of city land and Forest Service and no maintained fences, it hasn’t been grazed by cattle or sheep for many years.…

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