The Great Outdoors

  • Thomas had been expected to soon introduce legislation protecting the Wyoming Range from oil and gas leasing. Now he is dead. Story in the Jackson Hole News and Guide by Cory Hatch. As if to underscore the importance of not granting these leases unless you are willing to see complete field development, the Fish and…

  • Gov makes good case to protect Wyoming Range. By the Casper Star Tribune Editorial Board. Once the gas companies have a public land oil and gas lease, they have purchased not just the right to drill, but the right to develop; and now they have leases near the Hoback River on the Bridger-Teton National Forest.…

  • As gas wells spread like cancer across across the upper Green River basin, Wyoming’s governor is listening to public opinion and seems to be hardening his stance against the drive to drill the adjacent mountains on the Bridger-Teton National Forest.  Freudenthal skeptical of Range drilling. By The Associated Press post 1076

  • Here is a good article about the benefits of cougar populations in Zion National Park. The deer have nearly eliminated cottonwood reproduction in Zion Canyon, the main tourist attraction. It is full of people and deer. The large number of people in this congested canyon have scared away the cougar. There are a huge number…

  • The highest mountain in Wyoming, Gannett Peak, in the Wind River Range is famous for its snowy top and its many glaciers, but they are melting fast. Story in the Jackson Hole News and Guide. post 1031

  • So far just one place has been saved from all the gas development in the West. It’s the Rocky Mountain Front in Montana. Story in the Great Falls Tribune. Rocky Mountain Front lease agreement starts something good. – – – – Here is the earlier story from Dec. 10, 2006. Rocky Mountain Front (MT) finally…

  • One of the great things about living in a public state, especially a serious public land state like Idaho, is the backcountry quickly available. This is uplands today at 4:30 PM above Lead Draw, a 5-minute drive from my house and a one hour hike. Since the Sierra Club, the Pocatello Trail Machine Assn., the…

  • At Potamogeton Park, Madison Range, Montana. Gallatin National Forest. Photo by Ralph Maughan I believe that spending as much of your life as possible defending the Western lands, water, air and wildlife is an act of pure virtue.Your actions needs no other justification, but make sure you get plenty of time out on the land…

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