The Great Outdoors

  • Larkspur Strikes Again !!! Kinda’ puts the whole “Canadian wolves are a threat to our ‘livelihood’” argument into perspective: 30 cows die in S. Idaho after eating larkspur – Idaho Statesman via Associated Press Perhaps they will spend millions of tax-payer’s dollars to commission a federal agency to crop-dust our public lands with herbicide such…

  • While the headline is not accurate, it is gratifying to see a wolf in Franklin Basin- A sheepherder killed a wolf in the Bear River Range, east of Franklin, Idaho. This is right on the Idaho/Utah border and is certainly good news for wolves traveling south. I have had reports of wolves in the Franklin…

  • This story gives more info on the dead botanist Erwin Frank Evert- Story from National Parks Traveler. By Kurt Repanshek Evert recently wrote Vascular Plants of the Greater Yellowstone Area. He knew the Yellowstone country well. His death certainly is a loss.

  • Trees to receive ” ‘verbenone pouches’ that contain a synthetic pheromone to trick beetles into thinking the trees are already full of beetles”- Fighting pine bark beetles is very expensive, but these giant, ancient trees have been determined to be worth it. Good news! Whitebarks in Pioneers [Pioneer Mountains] get protection from beetles. Associated Press.

  • It’s that season (again) ! Bighead clover in Artemisia rigida sites (click for larger picture).

  • Another story on the reintroduction of a revised CIEDRA- Wilderness bill revised, reintroduced. Controversial land transfers near Stanley dropped. By Jason Kauffman. Idaho Mountain Express Staff Writer ~~ We posted an earlier story on this.

  • Updated September 23, 2012. This has been a very popular post. I first posted it about 5 years ago, and now I have enlarged and updated it. Ralph Maughan Ah the Tetons, Wind Rivers, Sawtooths and White Clouds, Wallowas, Bitterroots, Beartooth, and Unitas! I love all the mountains. I decided to do a major photo…

  • Utah doesn’t have enough sheep- Several months ago we reported on this plan to augment a dwindling population of bighorn in these relatively unknown south central Wyoming mountains. At any rate, Utah  bighorn haven’t done well this year, so the project is canceled. Plans to release 40 Utah bighorn in Wyoming Seminole Mtns Canceled. AP

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