Climate Change

  • Republican Presidential candidate Rick Santorum is not content to criticize President Obama’s policy objectives from a political perspective, he’s taken to the pulpit criticizing the President’s, and an entire population of religious people, whose faith compels them to consider the environment. Santorum is at odds with his own church on environmental issues – Los Angeles Times Santorum was…

  • If you listened to President Obama’s State of the Union Address you may have noticed that the President had some things to say about how this administration values public land: […] I’m directing my administration to allow the development of clean energy on enough public lands to power 3 million homes. For groups working to…

  • Not just these animals and birds are being hurt, but we are too- For those who pay attention, there are many stories about increasing blockage of long seasonal migrations by wildlife.  These changes are accompanied by the spread of disease, and the growth of “pest” species which are normally eaten or disrupted by these vast…

  • The world ran on biomass before the mid-19th century- Biomass is not 21st century energy technology; it is closer to 18th century- Years ago when I first began to study energy, our economy and environment, I learned that the great advances in the deployment of energy came from the discovery of the fossil fuels —…

  • European Commission’s plans to class fuel tar sand fuels as “highly polluting” Canada isn’t happy at all about the EU’s plan to classify all tar sand development as “highly polluting.” Such a classification does have teeth. It is more than an insult. Environmental groups are happy because this development in Canada is in fact extremely…

  • If climate change will make an area now covered with evergreens ideal as an oak savanna ecosystem in the near future, should we start building the savannas now? Discounting the well funded right wing climate change skeptics, most folks realize that what is now evergreen forest will turn into deciduous forest as things warm. This…

  • This topic is not new here, but what about all those who blame the govmint? Pine forests, especially lodgepole pine and whitebark pine are being killed by bark beetles at an incredible rate from the Yukon (that is not in the USA) to Mexico (not America either). There is controversy among scientists why the beetles…

  • Summer temperatures were up 2.3 degrees compared to the last century- A 9.7 degree rise in the mean temperature is predicted for the next century. Study: Yellowstone region records hottest decade ever, on pace for disastrous warming effects by the end of the century. By Jodi Hausen.  Bozeman Chronicle. – – – – – I…

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