Climate Change

  • It’s whether he turns down the Keystone XL pipeline- Exploiting the tar sands of Alberta is so bad that famous NASA climatologist James Hansen said that if they are fully exploited for their oil deposits, “it is essentially game over” for the planet. So will he make nice with the oil companies and the Republicans…

  • Pipeline will make it easier for the world’s most environmentally destructive project- In addition, there is growing evidence that sending the “oil” down the pipeline to Texas will result not in use the U.S., but exports to China. Of course, Republicans and oil state politicians say this will reduce U.S. oil dependence. Yea right! New…

  • What are they going to eat if they have to come ashore in the summer? Walrus rest on the floating ice and dive to the ocean floor for food, but now almost all of the summer Arctic sea ice is over water too deep to dive. As a result walrus are coming ashore, sometimes in…

  • Plants, and animals that can, shift north, head upslope, and faster than predicted- After analyzing 2000 species, biological scientists at York University found that on the average, “species have moved to higher elevations at 12.2 metres per decade and, more dramatically, to higher latitudes at 17.6 kilometres per decade.” This is about 2 or 3…

  • Lamb, beef and cheese have the highest emissions The Environmental Working Group recently published a report assessing the climate change and environmental impacts of meat production.  They found that not all meats have the same impact. Visit the 2001 Meat Eaters Guide to Climate Change + Health

  • There has been a lot of discussion about Murdoch’s sudden legal and political troubles. Given that he is one of the most dangerous people on the planet, it is hard to have sympathy. Today “This week in Science,” in Daily Kos is about the matter (but similar data can be found in many places).

  • Another surprise. The real carbon absorbers are the temperate and boreal forests. Tropical forests are too compromised by humans- One of the best things that could happen to the future of our existence, IMO, would be the collapse of News Corps in the current scandal. Rupert Murdoch and crew have largely  taken Australia, the U.K.…

  • “Reduced grazing saves carbon” A few years ago we discussed a Wohlfahrt study in the Mojave Desert which strongly suggested that desert ecosystems may play a significant role in sequestering carbon out of the atmosphere and sinking it into the soil.  Studies in Germany likewise demonstrated that human impact to soils both decreases the amount of…

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