Climate Change

  • It is land clearing for livestock- Despite some recognition today, just one tree is being planted in Queensland for every one hundred cleared to increase livestock grazing. Yes, it rained a lot for a long time, but cows on huge tracts of “cleared” land made the disaster. Video.

  • Stronger winter storms are the indirect result of global warming- There are a lot of people who tend to think snowy weather means there is no global warming (they tend to watch Fox News). Actually, the opposite is true, at least under the current level of warming. What does a blizzard on the U.S. East…

  • Last ditch location of polar bears is predicted- As arctic ice continues to melt, scientists have predicted where last few polar bears will make their last stand. Where Polar Bears Might Go If Climate Change Doesn’t Slow. By Pete Spotts. Christian Science Monitor/ABC News

  • Fair and balanced! Their Washington Bureau news chief emailed them saying, “refrain from asserting that the planet has warmed (or cooled) in any given period without IMMEDIATELY pointing out that such theories are based upon data that critics have called into question.”  Apparently they would be expected to say “some scientists say there was an…

  • Booming Jellyfish in Northeast Atlantic and Mediterranean- Overfishing does not create waters with no fish.  The vaccum is replaced by billions of jellyfish. Jellyfish story in Science Daily

  • It releases a great deal of carbon and produces much less new food than more intensive use of existing croplands- Lose-lose . . . sounds like a Western land use issue. Clearing tropical forests is a lose-lose. Michael Marshall. New Scientist.

  • R L Miller’s post at Daily Kos looks at the Republican positions on climate science in six states, including Idaho. This is not a complete project. If you can add anything on candidates’ positions that would be interesting.  R L asked us for some help, but we were not able to give him much. Stupid…

  • Billionaire tea party funders effort to kill CA emissions law- We posted about this repeal effort earlier, but a good article about the Koch Brothers by a California minister. Passing Prop. 23 would send California Reeling Backwards. Syndicated Columnist, Author, Pastor of the Resurrection Community Church Oakland, CA

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