Climate Change

  • Questions remain unanswered With very few systematic surveys of pikas there is not much to compare the results of this most recent survey to.  The questions that still needs to be answered are what impact is climate change having on the survival of pikas in, especially, the isolated ranges of the pika’s range?  Are the…

  • This may be one of the most cost-effective ways of slowing climate change- I should add, however, that I think we will find that treating areas with other kinds of land cover the right way might prove to be very important too. Protected Forest Areas May Be Critical Strategy for Slowing Climate Change. ScienceDaily

  • Could be the first animal listed as threatened or endangered because of climate change Decision expected tomorrow. Two previous stories on the pika listing process: Formal Protection For Pika Due To Climate Change May 7, 2009 U.S. agrees to consider protections for pikas February 15, 2009 Pika decision could have far-reaching effects By MIKE STARK…

  • The Obama administration may issue an order that would expand the National Environmental Policy Act’s scope to prevent global warming. The move could open up new avenues to challenge projects. I review grazing allotment renewal documents and rarely, if ever, have I seen climate change discussed.  When it is discussed, and only in response to…

  • Warming climate has resulted in a big melt of glaciers on the giant volcano’s unstable slopes- Although this article focuses on the effects to Rainier National Park, melting could result in a deadly mudflow downriver. Rainier’s rocks are filling riverbeds. The fallout from Mount Rainier’s shrinking glaciers is beginning to roll downhill, and nowhere is…

  • Have you seen noctilucent, or “night shining,” clouds? These clouds can be seen for several hours after the sun has set. They form in the summer at high latitudes, but they are getting denser and appearing farther south. The shine at night because they are 50 miles above the ground and reflect the sun’s rays…

  • This is much better (on paper) than other biofuels or hydrogen gas- This is an amazing development. Hopefully it won’t be difficult to move it from the lab to sources of carbon dioxide gas such as coal, oil and natural gas fired power plants. Bacteria Engineered to Turn Carbon Dioxide Into Liquid Fuel. ScienceDaily

  • China? Russia? India? The United States? No, it’s Canada- Canada’s image lies in tatters. It is now to climate what Japan is to whaling. The tar barons have held the nation to ransom. This thuggish petro-state is today the greatest obstacle to a deal in Copenhagen.  George Monbiot. U.K. Guardian. We have posted several articles…

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