Climate Change

  • Forest fire prevention? Thinning? Maximize size of individual tress? Leave it alone? It’s hard to say The article below is related to the one posted about “Sen. Udall sponsors bill to attack pine beetles.” It’s good to finally see some attention to the role of forests as carbon sinks, but it is not clear how…

  • Fake bidder for oil and gas leases to stop last Administration’s leasing near Utah national parks loses his bid to rest his trial on global warming- It looks like Tim DeChristopher will pay heavily for his civil disobedience. Republican prosecutors were not amused, and the judge will not allow a defense based on necessity to…

  • The Carbon the World Forgot — the boreal forest- “The boreal forest stores more carbon than any land-based ecosystem on the planet, according to a new report that says the Amazon is no match for Canada’s boggy bush.” It turns out that a major reason is all peat under the trees. Too many carbon sequestration…

  • Republicans boycotted the committee vote, so the Democrats passed the bill without them, 10 to 1- What the Democrats did is what you might expect, but in the past the Democrats have said, “Oh we need some bipartisanship,” when it is clear the minority at present wants nothing to do with bipartisanship. I guess no…

  • We’ve talked about how despite Hamburgers being the ‘Hummers’ of Food in Global Warming, and How Meat, Especially Beef Contributes to Global Warming, big agribusiness and the livestock industry flex their political muscle and are exempted from Meating the Truth every time (like on the Climate Bill). Now, a bill has just passed the U.S.…

  • Warming climate means these escaped exotics will likely populate northward- With all the escaped animals from all over the tropics finding a home in Florida, things are getting exciting. Studies show some large snakes could survive as far north as Oregon. Giant snakes warming to U.S. climes. By Janet Raloff . Science News.

  • Becomes another utility choosing realism over ideology- The American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity, a “there ain’t no climate change” outfit organized by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is seeing a hemorrhage of support from utility corporations. Utility Quits Alliance Over Climate Change. By Kate Galbraith. New York Times.

  • The long term effects of global warming, and desertification of the West examined. Exporting the water to the urban areas means exporting the rural areas’ soil to the East. Livestock grazing, water mining, dams, all serving to desertify the West which ends up blowing, in the form of dust, to the East causing snow to…

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