Climate Change

  • We’ve frequently discussed the environmental costs of new power generation, including wind and solar on public lands and centralized versus distributed generation.  All energy production has environmental consequences. But while everyone’s talking about the pros and cons of the next generation technology, the Northwest Power and Conservation Council has found that although it may not…

  • Bill Moyers considers whether Obama has sold out environmentalists. Obama and Environmentalists ~ Bill Moyers Journal – July 17, 2009 Bill Moyers’ blog goes on to ask : How Should America Respond to Global Warming?

  • Salazar cites failure to provide adequate Endangered Species Act consultations as on the forefront of his decision to scrap attempts to log BLM land in Oregon. Obama Admin Scraps Logging Plan in Ore. Carbon Sinks – New York Times The move scraps a Bush-era decision to rezone 2.6 million acres of Bureau of Land Management…

  • Is the bill, compromised as it is, better than nothing? The Climate Bill has passed the House. It still must clear the Senate where the coal, gas and oil lobbyists hope to make still better for them. There are those who blame Obama for not spending more of his still considerable political capital on this.…

  • Scientists have been speaking about how regulation to ensure greenhouse gas emission reductions needs to be comprehensive to work.  Unfortunately, Obama folded to the Big Ag lobby on one of the most significant sources of greenhouse gas emissions : THE INFLUENCE GAME: Excuse me! Lobby wins on burps – AP  One contributor to global warming —…

  • Public lands as carbon sinks ? We’ve spoken of the potential for our public lands to act as carbon sinks. When you think about public lands and the value that these places have to serve our efforts to curb global climate change I’d like you to consider a new idea that is as old as dirt…

  • Decision shocks environmentalists, brings glee to the hearts of industry responsible for climate change The Obama Administration upheld Bush’s industry-friendly, obstructionist interpretation of the Endangered Species Act when Obama’s rancher Interior Secretary, Ken Salazar, issued a decision refusing to consider ESA regulation of carbon emissions, the chief threat to the listed Polar Bear. No global…

  • Pikas are disappearing from the alpine areas of Great Basin and may be listed due to climate change. People who frequent the alpine areas of Idaho may be familiar with these small relatives of rabbits. Pikas live in boulder fields where they harvest herbaceous plants and carry them into their dens. You can often hear…

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