Climate Change

  • Krugman, the Nobel Laureate in economics says we can afford a cap and trade policy on carbon emissions- An Affordable Salvation by Paul Krugman. New York Times op ed Congress is debating the climate change bill right now. Cap and trade is a market based method of controlling carbon emissions. That means “free market” conservatives…

  • Livestock, off-road vehicles, oil and gas road development are major culprits- The Western United States is naturally dusty, right? With the exception of some dry lake beds and parts of very hot deserts this is not true. Soil is held in place from the wind by vegetation and rock. Anything that reduces the ground cover…

  • Grizzlies are expanding their range due to the death of whitebark pine and they increasingly get shot- Researchers blame grizzly deaths on hunters, climate change. By Matthew Brown. Associated Press Fortunately the evidence seems to be that their population around Yellowstone is still growing.

  • The less time in the den, the more bears are killed, especially in the fall- Although grizzlies are now coming out of their dens, quite slowly this year because of deep snow, it may be that recent warm years have delayed the onset of their annual winter hibernation. Now a study is underway to ascertain…

  • A huge solar power plant threatens rare plants and animals. There has been much discussion about renewable energy sources and large wind and solar projects. The problems with many of these projects are manyfold. One, there will be no decommissioning of any coal fired or other polluting/greenhouse gas emitting power plants as mitigation. Two, the…

  • Incident spotlights security vulnerability of centralized energy production and distribution This country is amidst a fundamental cross-roads when it comes to energy development. Many, including those in Washington, are straddling a dirty green line, a compromise of wildlife habitat and public lands to facilitate Salazar’s ambitious “moon shot” – the expeditious development of centralized renewable energy…

  • Now with a new and improved label! New Reality ad directed by the Academy-award winning Coen Brothers.

  • Elimination/Reduction of Beef in your diet remains among the most potent personal choices you can make to help preserve our natural world Hamburgers are the Hummers of Food in Global Warming: Scientists – Buying local meat and produce will not have nearly the same effect, he cautioned. That’s because only five percent of the…

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