Climate Change

  • Huffington Post Analysis says carbon taxes work better and more feasible politically than cap-and-trade- The argument that cap-and-trade has always had going for it was political feasibility, but maybe a revenue neutral carbon tax is more feasible. Economic theory would predict a more rapid response to a tax than to a market in pollution (or…

  • Every well pad disrupts from 5 to 20 acres- Leaking gas is a potent climate changer. Disrupted soil does not sequester carbon. Native vegetation at the well site is almost impossible to restore. Coalbed methane wells produce huge amounts of saline (generally unreusuable water). Story by Matthew Brown. Plan approved for gas wells. AP

  • Potent greenhouse gas (methane) from mega-feedlots could become fuel rather than fueling global warming- Idaho’s energy czar wants to harness power of manure. By The Associated Press Southern Idaho is full of vast stinky livestock feedlots (dairy and beef). Here is one way to amelioate the situation

  • Don’t take up huge swaths of land- I found this video that shows solar power underway with a deemphasis on remote solar collection in land-destroying mega-farm and vast transmission lines to electricity load centers. Orchards of the sun on  Let’s hope Obama will go this route. Not only is it better for our environment,…

  • Hopefully this tax is not just a rumor- Farmer’s Freak about Potential ‘Cow Tax’ on Cows’ Methane Emission. WWP blog. Methane is 26 times as potent a greenhouse gas as carbon dioxide and cows belch and fart a tremendous amount of it. Feedlots could capture it, however, and turn it into much less polluting energy…

  • Clean air champion Henry Waxman will be installed- John Dingell of Michigan has chaired the powerful Energy and Commerce committee for many years (when the Democrats have controlled the House). This powerful committee has jurisdiction of the Clean Air Act as well as many other matters. He has been the “Big 3” auto’s point man…

  • How Bush made a mockery of the nation’s environmental laws and values — and what Obama must do to get us back on track- Story in (Salon Magazine). By Katharine Mieszkowski The article doesn’t just speak of Bush sin, but how Obama can redeem on the environment.

  • Disappearance of ponds in Yellowstone lead to great loss of frogs and salamanders in Yellowstone- I guess we would call them “old-timers” now — folks like myself — but I remember there used to be many more ponds on the Northern Range of the Park. From the road the loss is especially apparent near Junction…

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