Climate Change

  • Rocky Barker: White says climate change worse on range than ranching. Idaho Statesman. I thought this might be joke. RM Certainly a lesson in bad logic. Of course, a nearby supernova would be worse than climate change; duh. White, of course, is trying to argue that conservationists should spend more time working on climate change…

  • When a lot of folk think about public lands and the value of these places to serve our efforts to curb global climate change they think development. They think of wind farms or solar arrays. If you think about it you can’t really blame them, that’s all they’ve had to think about – with the…

  • Energy efficiency is the core climate change solution. Joseph Romm. Grist Magazine. It is also the least expensive source of new energy, and it is the primary method by which demand will be satisfied regardless of all the talk and action about drilling or alternative fuels, just as was the case during the 1970s energy…

  • Bush’s BLM had put a moratorium on solar energy lease applications for development on public lands wanting to wait for comprehensive environmental analysis before accepting new applications. The moratorium met an uproar of opposition. Now, the moratorium is dead. Solar application moratorium called off – AP

  • More on the Western Governors Conference being held in Jackson, WY. . . – – – – Western govs to mull ways to cut pollution, slow warming, boost energy. By Robert Gehrke. The Salt Lake Tribune. Govs hear water warning. By Chris Merrill. Casper Star Tribune. As Brian Ertz and others have remarked, politicians dealing…

  • Resistance to the scientific consensus of the existence of climate change is waning ~ politicized prescriptions for inaction and for the relaxation of public environmental laws takes its place. Last week, federal and state wildlife and public land managers gathered to talk about global warming and the effects it will have on western land and…

  • As suggested in an earlier post (or two), the Bush Administration’s Fish & Wildlife Service is doing its best to take its decision to list polar bears and extend federal protections to oil companies with it : Oil Companies Get OK To Annoy Bears – AP

  • This is an insightful look at the implications of the recent U.S. Climate Change Science Program’s report by one of Wyoming’s leading rangeland experts. High Noon On The Range. By Deb Donahue.

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