Climate Change

  • Vote on climate bill is blocked in Senate. By H. Josef Hebert. Associated Press Writer. The next Congress will look a lot different. – – – – U.S. Senate Abandons Global Warming Bill. By J.R. Pegg. Environmental News Service – – – – Republicans thwart McCain ‘greenwash’. By Leonard Doyle. The Independent (U.K) – –…

  • New Climate Report Foresees Big Changes. By Andrew C. Revkin. New York Times. Published: May 28, 2008 The southwestern states, in particular, will see big decreases in river flows. That means places like Phoenix, AZ and Las Vegas, NV will become even more unsustainable. Here is a link to the final report (60mb pdf file).…

  • With increasing fuel prices, the oil and gas industry is chomping at the bit to get at vast oil and gas reserves on your public lands. Oil and Gas on Public Lands Off-Limits to Exploration – ENN Report Offers Road Map for Energy Relief [Bush’s] BLM With climate change, mining, livestock grazing, timber, exotic species…

  • Earlier we noted Secretary of Interior, Dirk Kempthorne’s decision to list the Polar Bear as a threatened species.  Kempthorne was spreading around the idea that the ESA was not intended to regulate greenhouse gases, the principle threat affecting polar bear habitat. Now, we learn of the “4(d) rule”, a waiver of protections normally afforded species…

  • A sobering idea : The World Wildlife Fund estimates that the worlds wildlife populations have been cut to 3/4 what they were just 3 decades ago : Wildlife numbers plummet globally : WWF – AFP Local resolve is warranted. A link to a report is featured on the bottom of the page.

  • By now you’ve likely heard that the Bush Administration has listed polar bears in Kempthorne’s first listing since taking his position : Kempthorne makes tough call on polar bear listing – Idaho Statesman Call me a cynic, but it seems to me likely the Bush Administration decides to list the bear now rather than kick…

  • Imagine that !  A presidential candidate willing to speak up about wildlife ! Clinton  Reports on Washington Wildlife – Wall Street Journal Blog Hey, it’s more than has been said by anyone else… To be fair: Green Evangelical Applauds McCain’s Environment Speech –  The Christian Post Why Obama is Winning the West – NewWest Somebody…

  • Alaskan gov’t wants to find scientists who will study polar bears to prove they’re not threatened by global warming. UPI Would these scientists be paid no compensation if they didn’t find what the Republican legislators want? That is not how real science is conducted — EVER.

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