Climate Change
Grizzly bears are showing up in the high arctic and polar bears wandering south of the Arctic Circle. These 3 starving polar bears were shot when they discovered food in a village far inland. Lost polar bears hit NWT town. Animals’ arrival hundreds of kilometres south of habitat seen as sign of climate change. By…
Pine beetle infestation impacting salmon runs. Derrick Penner, Vancouver Sun. Just a reminder to those politicians and others who say we need a rapid plan to save the pines in Colorado, Idaho, Wyoming, etc. The pine beetle infestation covers the pine forests from Alaska south to northern New Mexico. It will have varying impacts such…
Giant Antarctic ice shelf breaks into the sea. UK Guardian. By Claire Truscott and agencies Photo of collapse from National Geographic News.
Glaciers Are Melting Faster Than Expected, UN Reports. Science Daily. Earlier. Hundreds Of Antarctic Peninsula Glaciers Accelerating As Climate Warms (June 6, 2007). Science Daily
In a Warmer Yellowstone Park, a Shifting Environmental Balance By Jim Robbins. New York Times. This is really about the spread in the Lamar Valley of what is usually regarded as a noxious weed (I certainly hate it) — the Canada thistle. It seems grizzly bears and pocket gophers love it, and the griz, ever…
Pythons could squeeze lower third of USA. USA Today. By Elizabeth Weise
The latest Science Magazine shows that certain biofuels (especially corn-based) make climate change even worse. They do not help fix it. Story in New West. Corn Fuel = CO2 Emissions. By Richard Martin.
People argue over coal versus wind, versus solar versus nuclear, but the least cost source of new energy is greater efficiciency of use. This isn’t really a brand new finding. It has been known since the 1970s. It may seem new to decision-makers, however, who out of ignorance or intent, choose to focus only on…