Climate Change
Sadly many carbon sinks (natural processes that remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere) appear to be turning into carbon sources. The effect of this is to increase the rate of increase of carbon dioxide in the air — a positive feedback, the kind of thing that causes system to spin out of control and change…
WASHINGTON — A Montana expert testified Thursday that climate change will increase and intensify wildfires, while members of Congress and U.S. Forest Service officials grappled with how to pay for the increased costs of fire suppression Story: Professor: Fires in West will worsen. By Noelle Straub. Casper Star-Tribune Washington bureau. This should be obvious, but…
California fires get caught up in global warming debate. By Rocky Barker. The same scientist who attributes the back-to-back big fire seasons in Idaho and the Northern Rockies as signs of human-induced climate change says the fires in California are not.
California’s age of megafires. Drought, housing expansion, and oversupply of tinder make for bigger, hotter fires. By Daniel B. Wood. Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor. Many factors behind the current California wildlfires are similar to those last summer in Idaho and Montana, except, of course, the sprawl into the “fire plain” is worse,…
More political manipulation of science by the Bushies. White House edits CDC climate testimony. By H. Josef Hebert. AP Writer
The Wall Street Journal frequently runs articles that are skeptical about anthropogenic climate change or skeptical whether climate change will make much of a difference to anyone. In years past, prestigious newspapers like the WSJ could just ignore their critics (as could the New York Times and the Washington Post) Now scientists who represent another…
Global warming denialists have continued to try to make a big thing out of this U.K. court case about “An Inconvenient Truth.” The Daily Kos has an article about the plaintiff in the lawsuit as well as many links about the case. There is also a link to Al Gore’s response.
Rocky Barker wrote about this, this morning. It will be on TV this coming Sunday. “60 Minutes” report on fires and global warming highlights Idaho. By Rocky Barker. Idaho Statesman.