Climate Change

  • This is from the blog Carnivore Conservation. Polar bears in Alaska are increasingly denning on land because the sea ice is thinning, becoming too unstable for safe denning. This is according to a new study by U.S. Geological Survey’s researchers and published in Polar Biology . . . Read the rest

  • With the record high temperatures in the Rocky Mountain and Intermountain West, the temperatures of trout streams are soaring above, sometimes far above, that which kills trout. It is plainly evident in Yellowstone Park. Heat kills fish in Yellowstone. Jackson Hole News and Guide. Yellowstone is more vulnerable than many mountain stream areas because the…

  • Most conservationists are celebrating the defeat of two amendments to the new energy bill that would have authorized $200 million in grants or $10 billion in direct loans for coal gasification/liquefaction projects. Coal state senators are pushing this as a “clean” method of using the vast coal deposits, many believe use of coal, is not…

  • Warming in the Arctic is proceeding at a dramatic rate. This article describes many changes and dangers. Spring is coming 6-8 days earlier. Arctic spring’s ‘rapid advance BBC News. and earlier Arctic ice no barrier for plants. BBCNews

  • This is an editorial in the Salt Lake Tribune today. Congress is currently considering a big energy bill. It could end up as bad as what the Republicans proposed (different from a bad Republican bill, but bad just the same). There should be no subsidies for corn ethanol which takes your tax money instead of…

  • You may be amused. I tell my students you will learn more of what’s going on by watching the “fake news” by Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert than watching Fox News, CNN, etc.

  • You’ve probably all heard that the President suddenly is interested in climate change and he even wants to have an international conference to set caps on emissions to establish “aspirational goals” on the emission of greenhouse gases. Every week Washington Post’s Dam Froomkin writes a long and detailed column about the White House — White…

  • NASA Administrator Questions Need to Fight Global Warming. By Marc Kaufman. Washington Post Staff Writer. NASA Administrator Michael Griffin says that although global warming is changing Earth’s climate, he’s not convinced that is “a problem we must wrestle with.” The NASA chief — whose agency has come under fire in Congress for cutting several programs…

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