Climate Change

  • Humans’ beef with livestock: a warmer planet. American meat eaters are responsible for 1.5 more tons of carbon dioxide per person than vegetarians every year. By Brad Knickerbocker. Christian Science Monitor. The livestock industry likes to laugh this one off. What’s so funny?

  • Global Warming Report: Less Winter in the West? By Dan Whipple. New West. Whipple doesn’t talk about the effect this will have on wildlife. I think it may allow for more winter range for wildlife, with some notable expections such as Yellowstone Park where it will result in wet snow and ice that leaves elk…

  • A definitive report says that global warming is caused directly and indirectly by human activities. This report was known to have been in the works for quite a while and would have very negative conclusions. Today there are many stories about it. I notice that the greatest warming in the United States is predicted for…

  • The Democrats have held their first of undoubtedly many oversight hearings on how the Bush Administration is, well, administering the laws. This is a basic role of Congress that was suppressed during the last 6 years of Republican congressional rule (the minority party in Congress can’t call hearings). Story in New York Times (you can…

  • WASHINGTON (AP) — Later this week in Paris, climate scientists will issue a dire forecast for the planet that warns of slowly rising sea levels and higher temperatures. But that may be the sugarcoated version. USA Today. Now that even George Bush is conceding there is global warming, and a “conclusive” report to be out…

  • This is from the Huffington Post on Al Gore’s talk in Boise. This is perhaps a bit more balanced than the Idaho Statesman? Anyway that’s why blogs have grown. People want more news and all sides of the news. We were not getting it from the corporate media. . . . and here is more…

  • This article in the Idaho Statesman by Rocky Barker is about Al Gore speaking to huge crowd in Boise today juxtaposed with weather events in Idaho over the last ten years and the views of some Idaho politicians. Al Gore brings his take on climate change to Boise today. By Rocky Barker. Related. CEOs ask…

  • Google Earth is revolutionizing the way people see change on the Earth’s surface. In this case is it the massive amount of oil and gas development in Wyoming. On your own or watching the short video at, it can revolutionize your view of cumulative environmental impacts. For those of you that have seen “An…

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