
  • Calls Dam Breaching a “Last Resort” “The administration’s passing reference to dam breaching as a ‘contingency of last resort’ defers all necessary economic, infrastructure and other studies, making this ‘contingency’ an illusion,” said Samuel N. Penney, the chairman of the Nez Perce American Indian Tribe, which has traditionally fished the Columbia. New Federal Plan for…

  • The long term effects of global warming, and desertification of the West examined. Exporting the water to the urban areas means exporting the rural areas’ soil to the East. Livestock grazing, water mining, dams, all serving to desertify the West which ends up blowing, in the form of dust, to the East causing snow to…

  • Looks like the agency and groups are jumping off the wall. Good! Story about this idiot proposal. By Jessica Mayrer. Bozeman Chronicle staff writer

  • Dam breaching an option to protect salmon, a U.S. District judge says – Idaho Stateman It’s looking like judges, relatively speaking,  are more apt to uphold the law and insist that the right thing be done, even when both parties feel it more politically prudent to try to wiggle around it.   Too bad we can’t…

  • In October, Ralph commented on Larry Craig dropping his opposition to protecting the Snake River in Wyoming.  A change of heart from an Idaho politician renowned for his anti-environmentalist zeal ?  Not quite.  The bill is lumped with a bunch of bills in the massive Omnibus public lands bill.  The motivation for Craig’s “turnabout” is…

  • Pacific NW political retirement and defeats may break 20-year logjam on saving the salmon- Rocky Barker points out that the election outcome may have removed the obstacles to the conservationists’ solution of the sorry condition of salmon runs into Idaho, but breaching the navigation dams on the lower Snake River in Washington is still far…

  • The blowout has been stopped but more repairs are needed- On Sept. 1 this blog was the first to report on the big blowout on August 31. It was finally stopped in September and a Bozeman Daily Chronicle article says the excess flow is stopped for now. However, the cause is still not known. Repairs…

  • I notice a lot of people have been reading this story on the gate failures at Hebgen Dam, the news of which was first brought to us on Sept. 1 by “Idahosal.” (Salle) They thought they had the way to fix the broken headgates at the dam, but it failed. Oh Oh1 PPL back to…

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