Controversy began 1n 1974- Well what a cause for celebration this is! I can remember I was just starting to explore the wild country as a young man back in 1974 when Sage Creek Coal proposed a big coal mine on Cabin Creek, a tributary to the North Fork of the Flathead. In 2008 I…
After years of controversy, B.C. to ban mining, energy development in critical headwaters of famed river near Glacier National Park- I have been worried about this for years, and posted many articles. Every month is seemed a new, massive environmentally destructive scheme was proposed for the North Fork. Now British Columbia Lt. Gov. Steven Point…
Proposal is for a six square mile strip mine between Bryce Canyon and Zion National Parks- Initial plans are for 635 acre mine (one square mile) and would expand to over 6 square miles. The notion of a mine here has been floating around for years. Now it is serious. Coal mine. Trucks could hurt…
Another controversial Obama appointment This time, environmentalists are angered with Obama’s choice for Office of Surface Mining Reclamation, and Enforcement. Enviros Blast Obama’s Choice for Office of Surface Mining – ENS For the past 17 years Pizarchik has been engaged in Pennsylvania’s mining program, first as legal counsel and then as the director of the…
Finally some international pressure on the coal pit/coalbed methane proposals just northwest of Glacier (and Waterton) National Parks- United Nations Will Study Threats to Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park. By Dan Testa, Flathead Beacon (in New West)
New controls complete after more than 60,000 air quality violations- New controls. Farmington (NM) Daily Times. This has long been a major polluter of the air and water of the 4-Corners country of the southwest.
It’s good to see the sucker finally dead! Ely coal-fired power plant plan withdrawn. AP in the Reno Gazette Journal.
The massive Foisey Creek coal development in B.C. (the Lodgepole coal pit and 2000 coal bed methane wells) is becoming an international issue. UN to hear petition. The Globe and Mail. By Mark Hume. Earlier in this blog. 5/15/09. North Fork Flathead plight in U.N. spotlight 9/5/08. Another coal mine planned near the upper Flathead…