Oil and Gas

  • Likely much more oil has gushed out than official reports, and it is rapidly growing worse- C’mon, how big is the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, really? USA Today.

  • “Certainly, if we want to supply some of our domestic energy needs, drilling is going to occur in places like this,” BLM spokesman Interior Department opening Colorado’s North Park to gas and oil drilling. By Bruce Finley. The Denver Post I can already see that “we” are going to get blamed for the Gulf of…

  • “Discovery just redefined obscenity on TV: Sarah Palin as an Alaska wildlife show host” . . . copy from anti-Palin ads- Defenders of Wildlife launches petition drive to stop Discovery Communications from launching a Palin-hosted wildlife show. I don’t know, maybe she could show us the way to clean oil off birds and turtles, or…

  • The chemical dispersants BP is dumping in the Gulf of Mexico are a cosmetic solution only. And they’re toxic. By Joseph Romm. Salon Magazine. AND MORE MALFEASANCE U.S. exempted BP’s Gulf of Mexico drilling from environmental impact study. By Juliet Eilperin. Washington Post Staff Writer. The Department of Interior did not require an environmental impact…

  • Also, any impact on hurricane season? The oil gusher will last into the hurricane season, and at some point it is likely to drift into the Gulf of Mexico’s Loop Current which will take it out of the Gulf, onto Florida’s east cost and up the Eastern Seaboard of the United States. Story: Could oil…

  • Oh yes, let’s drill for a lot more off-shore oil. They have great, green technology now! Although this Administration is not responsible for this huge oil leak, it highlights their boneheaded policy of greatly expanded off-shore drilling.  It looks like this could be almost as bad as the 1989 Alaska catastrophe with the Exxon Valdez…

  • Will the petrocracy — and greens — keep Wyoming from realizing its windy potential? Wind power is not a popular thing in Wyoming for some and very popular for others. It is very unpopular for advocates for sage grouse and other birds. Wind resistance. High Country News

  • 85% of new energy can be met by more efficient use of existing generating plants- For some time here, we have arguing against giant, new centralized power plants whether of “alternative” or traditional energy. This means that few nukes, giant wind farms, coal plants, or space-consuming solar farms are needed. I would have missed this.…

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