Oil and Gas

  • Appeals panel rules that the Interior Department didn’t adequately analyze a Bush administration plan to auction off leases in the Arctic seas- Drilling off Alaska can’t proceed without further environmental review. By James Oliphant and Kim Murphy. LA Times. An off-shore oil spill into the Arctic Ocean would be a terrible disaster.

  • 25-million acres of public land said operating under illegal BLM plans- Conservationists decry ranching impact on sage grouse populations. By Scott Sonner. Associated Press Writer Needless to say, this is no small piece of litigation. Thanks to Advocates for the West for permission to use the map.

  • Question from earlier post answered- Story: Officials will remove oil from two massive storage tanks near the base of erupting Mount Redoubt. CNN. Earlier on this blog: Palin & Chevron; Spill Disaster in the Making

  • U. student hoped for mercy from Obama’s team, but no luck- Bogus bidder: BLM auction monkey-wrencher faces two felonies. Drilling . U. student hoped for mercy from Obama’s team, but no luck. By Patty Henetz. The Salt Lake Tribune. Added 4/4/2009. Did DeChristopher’s outspokenness seal his fate? By Patty Henetz. The Salt Lake Tribune. Is…

  • Channels Bush and adds a presidential signing statement- Updates to 4-2. State specific information added at end of post There was much rejoicing as the President signed the Omnibus Public Lands Bill, usually and incorrectly called the giant new “wilderness bill.” It does add 2-million acres to the National Wilderness Preservation System, but it does…

  • Small Wyoming gopher only exists in a small area where it is outnumbered by oil wells. Endangered or threatened? Feds review pocket gopher protection request Casper Star Tribune

  • Bush Administration Had Opened 110,000 Acres Near Pristine Areas to Energy Exploration- Interior Secretary Cancels Leases on Federal Land in Utah. Bush Administration Had Opened 110,000 Acres Near Pristine Areas to Energy Exploration.By Juliet Eilperin.Washington Post Staff Writer. April Clauson reported this in a comment earlier. Above is the full story. – – – –…

  • Gas development makes small rural town and surrounding area full of unhealthy air- DEQ issues ozone alert for Pinedale. By Jeff Gearino. Casper Star Tribune.

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