Oil and Gas

  • With relatively high gas prices, oil companies, their political puppets, and media continue the reverberation suggestive of the idea that drilling for oil on federal lands will bring prices down. Framing policy issues in the media is the first step – the take comes shortly after. It seems logical that drilling on federal lands would…

  • Oil and gas leases on Montana’s Rocky Mountain Front pulled from auction. AP A tremendous effort has been made by conservationists, the state, even oil companies to keep drilling off of Montana’s Rocky Mountain Front. So it only makes sense for the Montana Lands Department not to auction the small acreage of state land, especially because it…

  • Earlier in Oil & Gas eyes your public lands I asked a question of Interior’s plans to “solve” America’s energy woes by opening up vast public lands to the oil & gas industry : Are energy reserves that may or may not be accessible on your public lands worth the cost to wildlife, our environmental…

  • This is an editorial from the Salt Lake Tribune. May 24. 2008. Cost of drilling: Wells threaten tourism, hunting and natural beauty

  • With increasing fuel prices, the oil and gas industry is chomping at the bit to get at vast oil and gas reserves on your public lands. Oil and Gas on Public Lands Off-Limits to Exploration – ENN Report Offers Road Map for Energy Relief [Bush’s] BLM With climate change, mining, livestock grazing, timber, exotic species…

  • The oil & gas and livestock industries continue to feel the pressure from land use agencies as the evidence piles up indicating that these extractive uses of our public lands are significantly contributing to the precipitous decline in sage grouse numbers. Sage grouse are described as the “spotted owl” of the ranching industry in the…

  • The International Herald Tribune features and article about oil exploration, environmentalism, and the politics of both in the West: Backlash against energy exploration could hurt Republicans out West David Sirota suggests that environmentalism is an asset to Western Democrats that may make the difference in upcoming elections. Update 5-19 – NYT: Enviro Populism Threatens the…

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