Oil and Gas

  • “Why hasn’t the polar bear been granted federal protection? Maybe because the Bush administration plans a last-minute handout of oil leases on its habitat.” No Bears for Oil. By Katharine Mieszkowski. Salon Magazine (may require a subscription to read the full article on-line). In a related matter, there has been some loss of interest by…

  • Ranch digs in heels for fight along the Tongue river. Deep-pocketed Mars fights energy development on land. By Matthew Brown. Associated Press. Update Jan. 9 Judge rules against candy billionaire in fight over drilling. Drilling begins. By Matthew Brown. Associated Press Writer

  • People are beginning to realize that the cost of burning their food (corn) to fuel their automobiles is pretty high. Now that the Iowa caucus is over, perhaps some rationality will filter down to the politicians on this issue. A much worse energy tradeoff, however, is oil shale. There are huge deposits of it in…

  • People of faith have joined with hunters and blue-collar workers in southwest Wyoming to protest a small exploratory drilling project proposed south of Rock Springs. Rest of the story. By Jeff Gearino. Casper Star Tribune. Anyone think Wyoming SFW will help these folks, or will they cry “wolf!”?

  • Pinedale provides cautionary tale for Colorado communities. By Gargi Chakrabarty, Rocky Mountain News. One thing the article doesn’t mention is that when all these gas leases were let and plans made was that the attention of the keepers of the local traditions was diverted by talk about “the menace” of the 2 or 3 wolf…

  • Drilling operations reshape landscape. By Todd Hartman, Rocky Mountain News Drilling and production are also reshaping Wyoming (the most), Utah, New Mexico, and soon, Montana, and North Dakota. All attempts in Congress so far to tighten up the the drilling have failed. In fact, they were dropped from the recent massive energy bill to try…

  • This energy bill keeps getting worse. This concession is certainly bad news for many ranchers who own what is called “split estate” land as well making sure the more sensitive parts of public lands are not drilled. I don’t like the emphasis on renewables as written because much of this is corn ethanol which isn’t…

  • The BLM is intent on turning even more prime wildlife habitat and trout streams over to the tender mercies of the oil companies. This story tells of their effort to retard this. By Ruffin Prevost. Billings Gazette.

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