Oil and Gas

  • This just appeared in Salon Magazine. The full text may require a subscription. Alaska’s delegaton over the last 20 years has been stidently anti-conservation, and now it turns out they are all a bunch of crooks. What’s wrong with Alaska? Every member of Alaska’s all-GOP congressional delegation is embroiled in scandal. By Benjamin Wallace-Wells. Salon…

  • Study: Antelope flourish in gas fields. By Whitney Royster. Casper Star-Tribune environmental reporter. The headline is contradicted by the very first paragraph of the story.  “JACKSON — Antelope do not appear to be unduly stressed so far on and around the Pinedale Anticline, but increased energy activity may change their use of the area, according…

  • WWPblog has a story about many of the threats to sage grouse. Here’s a link to the West Nile concerns This just goes to show how important rehab efforts after the fire will be to get these birds, and a host of other wildlife, proper habitat. Siberian wheat-grass, another non-native very similar to Crested Wheat,…

  • Although the nomination of Jim Caswell, aide to former Idaho Governor Dirk Kempthorne has now passed the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, Colorado’s U.S. Senator Ken Salazar (Democrat) says he will keep “a hold” on the nomination and not let it come to a vote before the full Senate. The hold is there because…

  • Senator Salazar is upset about the BLM’s giveaway of the huge and wildlife-rich Roan Plateau in Western Colorado to the energy companies. One the surface, at least, all the Salazar is asking is a 120-day extension to review the Roan Plateau Resource Management Plan. Story in Rocky Barker’s blog. Rocky Barker’s blog: Senator places hold…

  • As folks may recall, Wyoming’s US Senator Craig Thomas died recently. Thomas was moving to protect the Wyoming Range mountains from oil and gas leasing and development. His replacement is appointed Republican John Barrasso. Barrasso responds in the article below, saying that he too wants to protect the area, but worries about the oil companies…

  • As you may know, the Jonah were are talking about here is not the guy eaten by the whale, but a whale of a gas field SW of Pinedale, WY, out in the high desert, or at least what was a desert before it became a vast industrial sacrifice zone. With all the gas leases…

  • The scientists say: “Speaker after speaker emphasized that the status quo approach was not tenable — conserving sage grouse and sage grouse habitat while also developing the rich gas, oil and coal-bed methane fields of Wyoming.” Industry turns it into: “Ranchers, oil and gas men, biologists, conservationists and state and federal officials are meeting to…

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