Oil and Gas

  • A massive escape of methane gas is underway near Baggs, Wyoming as the result of drilling coal-bed methane wells. Coal bed methane is obtained by drilling into the aquifer in a bed of coal. Water rushes out, with lots of dissolved methane. The methane is captured. Very nice, except for the dirty water and now…

  • So far just one place has been saved from all the gas development in the West. It’s the Rocky Mountain Front in Montana. Story in the Great Falls Tribune. Rocky Mountain Front lease agreement starts something good. – – – – Here is the earlier story from Dec. 10, 2006. Rocky Mountain Front (MT) finally…

  • We’ve already seen it in Wyoming. The state is going to be pretty much destroyed and now the energy companies are beating a path to Montana. Bill Schneider sounds the warning from Helena. Red Alert in New West. post 1022

  • The BLM has held public hearings around Sublette County, WY as well as Rock Springs, and the public wants the massive pace of natural gas development slowed. Story in the Casper Star Tribune by Whitney Royster. – – – – Watch the video on the Upper Green River Valley: the view from above. From Skytruth.…

  • It’s kind of sadly amusing that the article says “Today is the last chance for people to comment on a proposal for the Pinedale Anticline that would add up to 4,400 new wells in a part of Sublette County that biologists say is crucial habitat for pronghorn, sage grouse and mule deer.” [boldface mine] As…

  • How fast on the Anticline? By Whitney Royster. Casper Star-Tribune. The demands of the oil and gas industry are endless and their assurances meaningless, as this vast increase shows. It’s the end of wildlife and clean air in the Green River Basin. Their will be far more gas wells in the county than people (at…

  • Another DOI outrage has been revealed by the new congress. Story in the New York Times. By Edmund L. Andrews. You can bet DOI employees were told to be lax on a lot of other things besides collecting fees from the oil companies on your public land! – – – – – – – Update.…

  • The House Natural Resources Committee continues to give voice to interests that were suppressed during reign of the Pombo, the corrupt former committee chair. Drilling critics get D.C. hearing. By Judith Kohler. Casper Star Tribune. UPDATE, 3-29 Energy boom hurts wildlife, lands access, advocates say. By Noelle Straub. Billings Gazette Washington Bureau. A diverse group…

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