Closed Process Highlights Need For Meaningful State Environmental Review, Public Involvement With the recent discovery of natural gas in southwest Idaho many residents are concerned about their local watersheds. They should be, fracking is an ugly business : Before 2005, regulation of fracking took place under the Safe Drinking Water Act. EPA was responsible for…
ExxonMobil pipeline under the Yellowstone River releases 30,000 – 50,000 gallons of crude into world famous river- It’s another one of those things they claimed was too unlikely to worry about. Now there is a large oil slick drifting down the Yellowstone River toward the Missouri, ruining riverside property, and polluting not just the river…
Canadian tar sands are not just about turning Alberta’s boreal forest into a wasteland. Transport of the product has many dangers, ill-effects. ____________ They haul their giant equipment around the world disrupting the roadside environment to dig tar sands in Alberta, turning hundreds of square miles into lifeless pits. Ah, but they produce oil! They…
Protection of this fabled international stream has emerged over the last few years without any formal designations- There have been many threats over the years the North Fork and its vast drainage, most seeming to emerge up in British Columbia, the headwaters. B.C. conservation groups have hoped for enlarged provincial parks, and Americans have had…
It turns out the size of these monster loads of oil equipment can be reduced- We kept hearing that they had to come over Highway 12 and they were “X” big, . . . end of discussion. That wasn’t so. Permits have now been issued for smaller, giant loads. However, will this mean twice as…
Centralized corporate solar energy is green? not a chance! Story on testimony by Frank de Rosa, First Solar executive. Arizona Daily Star. This guy sounds just like an oil company executive with his complaints that they can’t just bulldoze wildlife and vegetation on our public lands. We need to kill this kind of solar energy…
Ten reasons why decentralized solar is much better- And this is article does not even mention the negative effects of big solar on wildlife. Meanwhile, however, GE and others secure largest thermal solar project. Clean Technica
Exxon Mobil is the world’s most profitable corporation- A new video about their megaloads through Idaho and Montana to their vast toxic pits in Alberta- Oil companies have colluded with the Idaho’s and Montana’s governors so they can make even more profits than if they built the machinery for the toxic Alberta tar sands mining…