
  • Suggests government policy/subsidies – not free market – give wildlife conflicting, utility-scale projects an edge over distributed generation NRG Energy CEO David Crane, lead investor in the controversial Ivanpah Solar Thermal Energy Project, discusses why giant utility-scale renewable energy projects are economically viable and what the future might look like for renewables with a reduction…

  • Credit to two local citizens who have taken on the world’s most profitable corporation, oil octopus Exxon-Mobil and others- Ah, some credit to two average folks fighting the international oil companies to try to save the economy, scenery, fish and wildlife of the area around U.S. Highway 12. Idaho megaload foes win Dalton Open Government…

  • Encana could add 3,500 gas wells SW of Pinedale, WY- Already reeling from the massive Jonah gas field, now a new field covering 4 times as much area is planned.  The “Normally Pressured Lance” natural gas field” (Son of Jonah, as some call it) comes at a time when the formerly pristine air of the…

  • Study: There exists enough already-disturbed land in the U.S. suitable for wind to produce 3,500 gigawatts of power – more power than is consumed by the entire U.S. A new study is confirming what many have been suggesting all along; We don’t need to sacrifice wild-lands and pristine wildlife habitat to facilitate renewable energy, it’s…

  • The Ivanpah solar thermal project consists of 5.4 square miles of high quality habitat for the Endangered Species Act protected desert tortoise, a fact that developers (and some investors) underestimated resulting in the temporary suspension of activities on phases 2 and 3 of the project site due to construction activities exceeding the incidental take limit…

  • It’s a dirty and marginal source of fossil fuel energy- Oil sands of Alberta are bad enough, but they look good compared to Western oil shale. Its development will produce little, if any, net energy,  while leaving much waste and giant pits. It takes a lot of water too, and the deposits are in the…

  • Four day hearing on the future of the tar sands equipment megaloads are underway in Idaho’s capital city- Residents on Highway 12 and recreation businesses are rallying against the megaloads. Fate of ExxonMobil megaloads at stake in Boise hearings. By John Miller. AP in the Missoulian.

  • Threshold Number of ESA Protected Desert Tortoise Killed In Construction of Solar Thermal Plant We just received notice that the BLM has suspended construction of some of the the Ivanpah Solar Thermal Power Plant due to the project reaching its upper limit number of tortoise killed for the Biological Opinion and incidental take limits established…

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