
  • Public input is required, but conditional permits are issued- Note: the hearing will be on Friday, Nov. 19 in Boise. The hearing will be at ITD Headquarters in Boise, 3311 W. State Street. (208) 334-8000 Advocates for the West won a brief victory Friday on behalf of local residents of Highway 12. These temporarily block…

  • The Canadian provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan are losing sage grouse fast.  So fast, that the birds may disappear entirely from the Canadian landscape. Industry blamed for bird’s demise – Sage grouse on path to extinction – Edmonton Journal Unrestrained gas development in southern Alberta could drive the sage grouse to extinction in this province…

  • Profound changes to the entire ecology of the Gulf This is part of what makes Obama/Salazar appear tone deaf to what occurred during the Gulf Oil Spill and I think it played a big part in people’s loss of faith in his administration and big losses seen in the Congress by Democrats. Rather than using…

  • 17,000 dead bats/year in Oregon before a proposed 15-fold increase in wind energy. The drumbeat behind the “green energy” movement is beating louder for wind farms across the landscape, especially on public lands. At the rate that things are going there may be huge effects on bats and birds of many types. Oregon Field Guide…

  • Oversized, outsized equipment protest. . . the first of years of citizen anger against environmental disruption and traffic delays? It seems to me that this will not be a one time event because the passage of this huge equipment through north central Idaho and then Montana will be ongoing for many years. Missoula demonstrators protest…

  • Solar Gold: Mojave Desert Facing Ecosystem Collapse Robert Lundahl films the voices of the Mojave who are being steam-rolled by Energy development on your public lands : [vodpod id=Video.4770655&w=425&h=350&fv=] Solar Gold documents the impacts of Large Solar development on the Mojave Desert ecosystems and cultural resources.

  • National newspaper notices importance of the struggle of Idaho and Montana citizens against international oil- Oil Sands Effort Turns on a Fight Over a Road. By Tom Zelller. New York Times. I wish the NYT had also exposed the sellout to the oil companies by the states’ politicians.

  • What has this society come to? Construction of the Ivanpah Solar plant starts. Clear the land of life for power generation that could be achieved by installing solar panels on rooftops where it is used. The bulldozers, fences, and powerlines are next. The science shows that half of these endangered desert tortoises will die and…

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