
  • More on the attempt to make U.S. Highway 12 an oil industry corridor- This from the new group, the Rural People of Highway 12. U.S. Highway 12: Idaho’s Northwest Passage Scenic Byway and All-American Road • • • Big Oil: One-Time Deal or Permanent Takeover? Promoters of turning Idaho’s Northwest Passage Scenic Byway and All-American…

  • Over 200 trips of these giant oil equipment pieces to go through U.S. 12 in Idaho and NW Montana- I think perhaps there has been too much attention in this forum on elk in Lolo.  Elk are important, but fishing, scenery, wilderness, and property of local people are more important. U.S.Highway 12 is one of…

  • As the slick is posed to hit western Florida coast, a model predicts a much wider spread- BP oil spill could spread to Atlantic Ocean. Christian Science Monitor. This comes amid predictions that the gusher won’t be stopped until relief wells intersect the oil reservoir in August.  Even then, relief wells sometimes fail to work.…

  • Randall Luthi. David J. Gribbin III, Thomas Sansonett, Rejane “Johnnie” Burton, Rebecca W. Watson and more- “Cody Coyote” has commented here numerous times about the importance of several Wyoming politicos in the scandal ridden performance of MMS under George W. Bush.  Many were chosen by Dick Cheney. Now WyoFile has a detailed article on these…

  • George Wuerthner challenges biomass energy. If biomass energy production were fully implemented, it would become the single largest human impact to land in the country, requiring the near full utilization of all the U.S. forests and much of its agricultural lands for fuel production, contributing to what one TNC scientist has termed “energy sprawl.” Biomass…

  • This isn’t the first time TNC has faced controversy over ties to big energy. Over the years TNC has been accused of “greenwashing” because of their ties to big energy companies.  Of course they claim that the relationships have been productive ones that help conserve more land but their ties to BP are really hurting…

  • The only good news is that BP now says it is collecting 5000 barrels a day of the oil gusher- Gulf Oil Spill: Oil Has Entered Loop Current, Officials Say. Associated Press. So, some of the oil is now off to Florida and maybe even to the East Coast. So far the main part of…

  • The leak started 30 days ago, oil as thick as paint is washing up on the shores of Louisiana and there are plumes of oil deep underwater poisoning the ocean and threatening the Florida Keys and the east coast.  There have been many attempts to stop the leak and it appears that it won’t be…

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