
  • Conservation deal for Canadian forest the size of Texas- Although the first article below has a somewhat pessimistic tone, this certainly seems better than the current trend in boreal Canada. There is more value to the vast boreal forest than caribou. Caribou still at risk under historic forestry deal. Industry, environmentalists band together for sustainability.…

  • Chris Oynes will step down Interior official who oversees offshore drilling for MMS resigns. Washington Post

  • If not worse then just as bad. A lot of energy has been expended to try to make natural gas look “green”. In fact many “green” groups and others are touting it as the “bridge fuel to a 21st-century energy economy” and claim that it is “cleaner” than coal. Well, it turns out that it…

  • Nevada’s energy chief wants to take Federal Lands and hand them over to energy companies. Jim Groth, an appointee of Governor Jim Gibbons, published a declaration which calls for turning the State of Nevada into an energy colony and he doesn’t think it should be subject to National Environmental Policy Act requirements. “The greatest thing…

  • Likely much more oil has gushed out than official reports, and it is rapidly growing worse- C’mon, how big is the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, really? USA Today.

  • “Certainly, if we want to supply some of our domestic energy needs, drilling is going to occur in places like this,” BLM spokesman Interior Department opening Colorado’s North Park to gas and oil drilling. By Bruce Finley. The Denver Post I can already see that “we” are going to get blamed for the Gulf of…

  • “Discovery just redefined obscenity on TV: Sarah Palin as an Alaska wildlife show host” . . . copy from anti-Palin ads- Defenders of Wildlife launches petition drive to stop Discovery Communications from launching a Palin-hosted wildlife show. I don’t know, maybe she could show us the way to clean oil off birds and turtles, or…

  • The chemical dispersants BP is dumping in the Gulf of Mexico are a cosmetic solution only. And they’re toxic. By Joseph Romm. Salon Magazine. AND MORE MALFEASANCE U.S. exempted BP’s Gulf of Mexico drilling from environmental impact study. By Juliet Eilperin. Washington Post Staff Writer. The Department of Interior did not require an environmental impact…

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