
  • Also, any impact on hurricane season? The oil gusher will last into the hurricane season, and at some point it is likely to drift into the Gulf of Mexico’s Loop Current which will take it out of the Gulf, onto Florida’s east cost and up the Eastern Seaboard of the United States. Story: Could oil…

  • Oh yes, let’s drill for a lot more off-shore oil. They have great, green technology now! Although this Administration is not responsible for this huge oil leak, it highlights their boneheaded policy of greatly expanded off-shore drilling.  It looks like this could be almost as bad as the 1989 Alaska catastrophe with the Exxon Valdez…

  • PG and E to install 500 megawatts of solar that doesn’t require transmission lines- Finally, doing solar electricity the right way. It’s called “distributed power generation” as opposed to centralized generation. The solar cells will go on the vast rooftops of malls, and office complexes (or adjacent to them) in California. After spending over 20…

  • Will the petrocracy — and greens — keep Wyoming from realizing its windy potential? Wind power is not a popular thing in Wyoming for some and very popular for others. It is very unpopular for advocates for sage grouse and other birds. Wind resistance. High Country News

  • Only 1500 birds left in the state Habitat destruction and fragmentation has caused a severe reduction in sage grouse numbers in South Dakota. Livestock grazing and energy development, especially wind, is a serious threat to the remaining birds there. The birds are behaviorally disposed to avoid tall vertical structures because they provide perches to predators.…

  • 1000 turbine wind farm proposed in Wyoming “Core” Sage Grouse Habitat It seems the Wyoming Governor’s “core” sage grouse habitat mapping doesn’t mean much. Removal of fencing or marking it with reflectors doesn’t get around the fact that there will be gigantic wind turbines in the middle of sage grouse habitat. Sage grouse don’t like…

  • But they continue to ignore the biggest threat to their habitat……….. GRAZING. $16 million in handouts for this year alone. The NRCS is handing out more money to ranchers for “habitat conservation” or “habitat improvement” projects that maintain grazing on public lands. There are some projects such as fence removal that will be funded but…

  • Alleged actions are a violation of state law. “A state ethics board alleges that William Weiler repeatedly used his position as a state biologist involved in permitting wind-power projects in Southwest Washington to influence turbine developers to donate money to the Columbia Gorge Ecology Institute, a nonprofit that he led.” State biologist accused of steering…

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