
  • A group of environmentalists says renewable energy goal shouldn’t come with destruction of native plant, animal life In the Ivanpah Solar site lies on public lands in the center of very important desert tortoise habitat so the company proposes to move those tortoise to a new area before construction begins. This is a strategy that…

  • Awful and unlikely “energy source”  might soon break ground in Eastern Utah- Because of its tremendous environmental impacts and poor quality energy (little to no net energy is produced), I haven’t considered oil shale/tar sands mining much of an environmental threat in the desert of Utah. I suppose most others have felt the way.  As…

  • Controversy began 1n 1974- Well what a cause for celebration this is!  I can remember I was just starting to explore the wild country as a young man back in 1974 when Sage Creek Coal proposed a big coal mine on Cabin Creek, a tributary to the North Fork of the Flathead.  In 2008 I…

  • 85% of new energy can be met by more efficient use of existing generating plants- For some time here, we have arguing against giant, new centralized power plants whether of “alternative” or traditional energy. This means that few nukes, giant wind farms, coal plants, or space-consuming solar farms are needed. I would have missed this.…

  • After years of controversy, B.C. to ban  mining, energy development in critical headwaters of famed river near Glacier National Park- I have been worried about this for years, and posted many articles. Every month is seemed a new, massive environmentally destructive scheme was proposed for the North Fork. Now British Columbia Lt. Gov. Steven Point…

  • It looks like the last bit of the Wyoming Range is going to be withdrawn from natural gas drilling- 1.2 million acres were protected in 2009 in the Omnibus Public Land Bill’s “Wyoming Range Legacy Act”. If you have never visited the Wyoming Range, it might be worth your while to drop another trip to…

  • The “Ruby pipeline” is to be bad news for pristine desert, scenic canyons, wildlife- In typical single-minded engineering mentality, this pipeline will be built cross-country  with little regard for anything else. Reno Gazette-Journal on the Ruby Pipeline. By Susan Voyles. This pipeline is one reason why Western Watersheds giant sage-grouse lawsuit is so important.

  • Proposal is for a six square mile strip mine between Bryce Canyon and Zion National Parks- Initial plans are for 635 acre mine (one square mile) and would expand to over 6 square miles. The notion of a mine here has been floating around for years. Now it is serious. Coal mine. Trucks could hurt…

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